Gain unique and fresh insights from clinical documentation integrity professionals in unique settings to help you strengthen your organization’s denials management efforts.
CMS’ proposed rule to revise the Medicare hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System for calendar year 2025 has been released. Review some of the proposals that could directly impact your organization.
It can be especially challenging to thoroughly document rendered services in the emergency department due to the unique needs of the setting. Hamilton Lempert, MD, CEDC, reviews several areas of critical care coding that may trip up clinicians and coders.
Our experts answer questions about coding for controlled puerperium diabetes and endoscopic procedures as well as provide suggestions for referring to prior encounter information in queries.
Organizations need to decide how to manage the clinical validation conundrum effectively and consistently. Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS, explores one denial prevention tactic that has proved most effective for his organization.
Protect your office/outpatient E/M claims from front-end denials and post-payment recoupments with the freshest information from Medicare administrative contractors (MAC).
Shelley C. Safian, PhD, MAOM/HSM/HI, RHIA , explains ways administration can establish an organizational culture of legal and ethical responsibilities to maintain compliance and honor patients and staff.
Teresa Brown, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCS, explores the significance of the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index in enhancing our understanding of patient health profiles and supporting informed decision-making across various facets of healthcare delivery.