Q: A month ago, a patient had undergone an open reduction and internal fixation of a traumatic fracture of the left femur. This afternoon, she was admitted for a severe and deep infection of the left thigh and immediately taken to surgery. An open, wide excisional debridement of the infected skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia was carried out, and the internal fixation hardware was removed. Cultures of the fixation pins grew Staphylococcus aureus. Can coders report infections of devices similar to how they would report a wound infection in ICD-10-CM?
Q: Consider a patient who received a hysterectomy two days ago and was later admitted for severe acute abdominal pain around the surgical wound. When the wound was reopened, it was discovered that an instrument had been left in her body. The instrument was removed, and the wound was resutured. How would coders report this situation with ICD-10-CM codes?
Q: Patient is a young but quite debilitated and oxygen-dependent female with a complex history and frequent hospitalizations. She currently presents with exacerbation of bronchiectasis secondary to Swyer-James unilateral emphysema, chronic postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome following bronchiolitis obliterans in childhood, and superimposed bacterial pneumonia. Her condition is complicated by morbid obesity with a BMI of 42 and severe obesity hypoventilation syndrome with obstructive sleep apnea. How would this diagnostic note be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: A 64-year-old established female patient visits the orthopedic office for ankle pain and swelling. She stepped off the curb yesterday afternoon to get the mail and missed a step, her sandal caught the edge of the curb and she rolled her right ankle. Physical examination shows notable swelling in the right ankle. Full range of motion, although patient complains of discomfort on extension and flexion. Able to weight bear. X-rays negative for fracture. Based on medical decision-making rules, what would this be coded as?
Our experts answer questions on reporting bronchiectasis and pneumonia with ICD-10-CM codes, coding diagnoses without clinical criteria, and documenting pressure injuries and wound care.
Q: Consider a patient who is readmitted for postoperative pain control after a lung transplant two days prior. How would coders report this type of surgical complication in ICD-10-CM? In general, what are the guidelines for coding pain as a surgical complication of transplantations?
Q: A patient with severe emphysematous bronchitis is hospitalized due to acute RSV bronchitis. He is noted to have a history for cerebrovascular accident with residual oropharyngeal dysphagia occurring in the past year and on day three of the hospitalization, he aspirated some of his breakfast during an episode of severe coughing. The patient’s RSV swab is now showing negative, so viral bronchitis is considered resolved, but patient continues to require treatment for secondary aspiration pneumonia, which is their main concern at this point, as well as acute hypoxic respiratory failure. He will require oxygen continuously. How would this diagnostic note be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: A female patient previously had an inpatient stay due to severe enteritis secondary to the use of Keytruda for colon cancer that she was diagnosed with six months earlier. While she has had positive results to the medication, she presented to the ER last week due to severe abdominal bloating and cramping with diarrhea and stools with large amounts of mucous. She was dehydrated and hypokalemic upon inpatient admission and has a history of depression. Her discharge note indicates that her potassium levels and dehydration are normalized. How would this encounter be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: What were the AMA’s goals for revising evaluation and management (E/M) services that were implemented starting in January 2021 and continued in January 2023?
Q: A frail 74-year-old female presents with severe shortness of breath and hypoxia. She has a known history of smoking two or more packs per day for the past 40-50 years and has a complex history of chronic obstructive emphysema, centrilobular emphysema, bronchiectasis, and pulmonary hypertension. Her current hospitalization is due to MRSA pneumonia with planned discharge to home health for continued care. How would this diagnostic note be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: Why is modifier -25 (Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician on the Same Day of the Procedure or Other Service) scrutinized?
Q: An elderly male patient has a rectal fistula with an abscess requiring complex packing of the wound. The most recent wound documentation reports “complex persistent rectal fistula with underlying abscess present, cultures show positive for E. coli and Klebsiella.” The patient will be administered daily IV antibiotics via a PICC line that has been placed. How would this encounter be reported in ICD-10-CM?