There were 371 new codes added to the October update of the 2025 ICD-10-PCS code set, but Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, COC, CPC-I , narrows her investigation into the new codes for one particular body system within the Medical and Surgical section: Lower Arteries.
The spectrum of myocardial injury, ischemia, and infarction represents a critical area in cardiology, which Alba Kuqi, MD, MSHIM, RHIA, CCM, CRCR, CICA, CSMC, CSAF, CCS, CCDS, CDIP , explores in detail, integrating information from current clinical guidelines, diagnostic standards, and management strategies.
For fiscal year 2025, ICD-10-CM Chapter 19 saw an addition of 18 new codes for poisoning by, adverse effect of, and underdosing of immune checkpoint inhibitors and immunostimulant drugs. To properly apply these new codes, Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , breaks down the purposes of these medications and explains how the coding guidelines address the complex range of side effects these drugs can cause.
Because encephalopathy is a broad and complex syndrome that encompasses a wide range of brain disorders, Alba Kuqi, MD, MSHIM, RHIA, CCM, CRCR, CICA, CSMC, CSAF, CCS, CCDS, CDIP , provides an in-depth review of the various forms of encephalopathy, their causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, and treatment strategies, so that coders can effectively differentiate between the types and ensure accurate coding for optimal patient outcomes.
For fiscal year 2025, ICD-10-CM Chapter 19 saw an addition of 18 new codes for poisoning by, adverse effect of, and underdosing of immune checkpoint inhibitors and immunostimulant drugs. To properly apply these new codes, Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , breaks down the purposes of these medications and explains how the coding guidelines address the complex range of side effects these drugs can cause.
Penny Jefferson, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CCS, CRC, CPHQ, CHDA, CRCR, ACPA-C , explores the complexities surrounding the classification of hospital admit types and the challenges caused by inconsistent definitions. By being aware of admit types, coders can ensure accurate reporting, benchmarking, and quality measurement.
Anemia is a complex condition to manage clinically and document accurately, yet proper diagnosis, documentation, and coding are critical for ensuring appropriate patient care and reimbursement. Alba Kuqi, MD, MSHIM, RHIA, CCM, CRCR, CICA, CSMC, CSAF, CCS, CCDS, CDIP , explores the clinical aspects of anemia, including its definitions, types, causes, and management, while addressing the challenges in clinical documentation and coding.
To align subcategories for diagnosis coding with the DSM-5 classification subcategories for feeding and eating disorders, new ICD-10-CM codes were added in the FY 2025 update. Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , reviews the clinical criteria for affected disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, pica in adults, and rumination disorder.
Genetic medicine is an emerging specialty coders will be faced with, and a basic foundation of the science and consequences of genetic anomalies will be helpful going forward. Realizing coders are not expected to be clinical, Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , shows how it will still be useful to know the basics.
Genetic medicine is an emerging specialty coders will be faced with, and a basic foundation of the science and consequences of genetic anomalies will be helpful going forward. Realizing coders are not expected to be clinical, Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , shows how it will still be useful to know the basics.
To align subcategories for diagnosis coding with the DSM-5 classification subcategories for feeding and eating disorders, new ICD-10-CM codes were added in the FY 2025 update. Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , reviews the clinical criteria for affected disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, pica in adults, and rumination disorder.
Coagulopathy describes the impairment of the blood’s ability to coagulate, leading to prolonged or excessive bleeding that may occur spontaneously or following an injury. Explore the basics of the condition as well as practical tips for accurate ICD-10 coding. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Lymphoma diagnosis codes received a robust overhaul with the release of the 2025 ICD-10-CM codes, reflecting advancements in understanding and classifying lymphoma. Accurate coding is crucial for reporting such nuances, and Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , is here to update coders on the changes.
Coding professionals face challenges when the clinical meanings of words do not match the ICD-10-CM classification system, particularly for records related to matters of the heart. Follow Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CRC , as she applies critical thinking, knowledge of disease processes, and an understanding of ICD-10-CM codes to accurately report acute MI cases.
With guidance from Linda Martien, CPC, COC, CPMA, CPC-I, CRC, AAPC approved instructor, AAPC fellow , coding professionals can review arthritis codes to avoid the use of generalized codes in order to reflect a patient’s condition more accurately and ensure compliance with insurance requirements.
With guidance from Linda Martien, CPC, COC, CPMA, CPC-I, CRC, AAPC approved instructor, AAPC fellow , coding professionals can review arthritis codes to avoid the use of generalized codes in order to reflect a patient’s condition more accurately and ensure compliance with insurance requirements.
Deanne Wilk, MPS, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CCS, provides an overview of toxic encephalopathy including signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and relevance for coding professionals and CDI teams.
Pancytopenia is defined as the simultaneous presence of anemia, leukopenia (neutropenia), and thrombocytopenia. Refresh yourself on how each condition plays a role in diagnosing, treating, and coding pancytopenia. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.