CMS instructed fiscal intermediaries (FI) and Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) to hold claims containing CPT ® code 33249 (insertion or replacement of permanent pacing cardioverter-defibrillator system with transvenous lead[s], single or dual chamber) and HCPCS code C1882 (cardioverter-defibrillator, other than single or dual chamber [implantable]).
HHS’ proposed rule announcing a one-year delay of the implementation of ICD-10-CM/PCS was printed in the April 17 edition of the Federal Register . If HHS finalizes the delay, ICD-10-CM/PCS would become effective October 1, 2014.
CMS has posted a summary report from the discussion of procedure codes at the ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting held March 5. The agenda addressed only a small number of code requests due to the implementation of the partial code freeze.
CMS released in February a fact sheet, “Global Surgery,” which contains information regarding the components of a global surgery package, including guidance about billing and payment rules for surgeries, endoscopies, and global surgical packages that are split between two or more physicians.
Special Edition MLN Matters article #SE1210 , “Recovery Auditors Findings Resulting from Medical Necessity Reviews of Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders,” outlines recovery auditor findings upon completion of medical necessity reviews. In the article, which addresses documentation and billing for inpatients, recovery auditors concluded that providers had been admitting patients even for clinical situations for which outpatient observation services would have been appropriate.
CMS continues to add more screening services to the list of covered preventative services. The newest additions involve screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STI).
Cross-training coders has definitive short-term advantages, such as enhancing staff coverage during holidays and vacations and increasing the department's ability to handle periods of fluctuation in certain bill types, but these aren't the only benefits.