QUESTION: I've always coded labile hypertension with ICD-9-CM code 401.9 (unspecified essential hypertension) because I couldn't find a more specific one. My supervisor stated that I must use ICD-9-CM code 796.2 (elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension) because it means the patient's blood pressure was high without a history of hypertension. The physician's diagnosis is labile hypertension. What code would you use?
QUESTION: Do you predict coder productivity will decline as a result of ICD-10? If so, what do you think the declines will be six months after implementation?
Inpatient hospitals will see CMS payment rates increase 2.3% in FY 2013 if the agency finalizes the change in the IPPS proposed rule released in April. CMS expects that in FY 2013, the documentation and coding adjustment will net an aggregate 0.2% increase. Other quality-of-care initiatives could reduce payments.
QUESTION: When would you use the table labeled as not otherwise classified drugs at the end of the HCPCS Level II Table of Drugs and Biologicals? Many other drugs are not assigned a HCPCS code and are not in this table.
QUESTION: Our pulmonologists are not comfortable documenting acute respiratory failure unless the patient is on a ventilator. Also, they rarely document chronic respiratory failure, even in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients on continuous home oxygen. I’m trying to develop standard query forms for acute and chronic respiratory failure and am running into these obstacles. How do you recommend handling this problem?
QUESTION: We are a small anesthesia group and we are concerned about the specificity for ICD-10-CM. If we submit a claim with an unspecified code and the surgeon submits a claim with more specificity, will we still get paid?
QUESTION: A physician documents in an operative report debridement of a necrotic muscle (not due to an open wound). Must the physician also document how the muscle is removed to report ICD-9-CM procedure code 83.45 (other myectomy)? Is this considered excisional or nonexcisional debridement? What documentation is required to code the removal of a necrotic portion of a muscle?
QUESTION: Can you explain the difference between modifier -80 (assistant at surgery by another physician) and –AS (physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist services for assistant at surgery)? Medicare requires us to use both modifiers for our physician assistants. We have been instructed to use -AS first and -80 second for all Medicare claims submissions. Is this correct?
QUESTION: How will we be able to code for procedures such as Billroth procedures, Roux-en-Y anastomoses, and Whipple’s procedure when eponyms won’t be used in ICD-10-PCS?
QUESTION: I would like to know the correct codes to use when a patient comes into the ER after smoking synthetic marijuana and has symptoms of palpitations, seizure, or anxiety. Some physicians document ingestion, while others document abuse. What is the proper way to code considering we do not have a specific code for this new drug on the market?