Q: Which ICD-10-CM external cause code should we report if a patient falls while on an escalator? This is the first time that the patient has been seen for such a fall.
Q: A clinician goes to a patient's home and does not perform an evaluation and management, but performs a catheter replacement. How should we code this encounter?
Although ICD-10-CM resolves some problematic areas of coding, it isn't a panacea. Respiratory insufficiency is one diagnosis that will continue to challenge coders.
Q: Some of our providers see patients in our local nursing facilities. When these patients are admitted to our hospital, must we retain this documentation in our own records?
Coders who want to get a head start on coding in ICD-10-CM can now download the 2014 ICD-10-CM codes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CMS websites. The updated coding guidelines for ICD-10-CM are not available yet.
ICD-10 implementation is less than 16 months away, but a recent survey by TrustHCS and AHIMA reveals that 25% of responding healthcare organizations have not yet established an ICD-10 steering committee.
Q: What advice can you offer for sequencing pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure when both appear to meet the definition of principal diagnosis?