QUESTION: I have a question regarding the coding of a computer-assisted fluoroscopy. Consider the following documentation: Use and interpretation of intraoperative fluoroscopy. After positioning the patient, the posterior lumbar area was prepped and draped in the standard sterile fashion. The prior incision was marked with a marking pen. C-arm fluoroscopy was used to map an incision extending from the tip of the spinous process of L2 to that of L5. After performing a time-out, this incision was infiltrated with local anesthetic and incised with a 10-blade scalpel. Dissection proceeded through the subcutaneous fat using Bovie monopolar cautery. Self-retaining retractors were applied. Dissection then proceeded in the midline through the avascular plane through the lumbodorsal fascia and musculature using the Bovie. Self-retaining retractors were deepened. Would you assign a procedure code for the fluoroscopy for this inpatient procedure or would it just be inclusive in the procedure? There seems to be confusion when comparing this procedure in an inpatient setting vs. an outpatient setting.
Small and mid-sized hospitals are increasing their ICD-10 training for staff, according to a recent Health Revenue Assurance Associates (HRAA) survey of 200 healthcare professionals. However, many still lag behind CMS’ timeline for dual coding and other implementation aspects.
Q: A patient suffered a nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage six months ago and is now being seen for long-standing aphasia as a result of the stroke. How would we code this in ICD-10-CM?
QUESTION: We are a nondialysis facility, so when a patient is in observation for some other reason and must undergo hemodialysis, we report code G0257 (unscheduled or emergency dialysis treatments for an ESRD [end stage renal disease] patient in a hospital outpatient department that is not certified as an ESRD facility). But how should we code peritoneal dialysis when a patient is in observation or inpatient for other problems? I have received three different codes from different coders. I cannot really find any information on this anywhere.
Q: The patient has had a previous bilateral mastectomy and is now coming in for a revision of bilateral areola with a dermal fat graft to the left nipple and excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue from both breasts. This would be CPT ® code 19380 (revision of reconstructed breast) with modifier -50 (bilateral procedure) and 19350-50 (nipple/areola reconstruction) for both procedures. I cannot locate information that tells me if the nipple revision on the reconstructed breast is part of the 19380 or can be separately coded with 19350.
Coders tell a patient’s story with a principal diagnosis and additional diagnoses, some of which are CCs or MCCs. William E. Haik, MD, FCCP, CDIP, AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer, James Fee, MD, CCS, CCDS, AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer, and Cheryl Ericson, MS, RN, CCDS, CDIP, explain the value of educating physicians and coders about CCs and MCCs.
Q: A patient was in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for eight minutes and the physician had to abort the treatment because the patient was feeling anxious. Which HCPCS/CPT ® code should the hospital bill: HCPCS code C1300 (hyperbaric oxygen under pressure, full body chamber, per 30 minute interval) or an E/M code? Which code should the supervising physician bill: CPT code 99183 (physician or other qualified healthcare professional attendance and supervision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, per session) or an E/M code?
What is the correct ICD-9-CM code for pneumonia due to E. coli? A) 482.81 B) 482.82 C) 482.83 D) 482.84 Know the answer and want to be featured in the next issue of JustCoding News: Outpatient?...
Coders may struggle to differentiate the ICD-10-PCS root operations excision and resection. Nena Scott, MSEd, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer, and Mark Dominesey, RN, BSN, MBA, CCDS, CDIP, explain why excision is the root operation of choice for excisional debridement and sebaceous cyst removal.