Assess. Educate/train. Practice. Gloryanne Bryant, RHIA, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, and Deborah Grider, CPC, CPC-I, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPMA, CEMC, CPCD, COBGC, CCS-P CDIP, reveal how following those three steps can prepare you for ICD-10 implementation.
Getting physicians on board with the transition to ICD-10 won’t be easy, but CMS is trying to help. CMS will host a National Provider Call: Preparing Physicians for ICD-10 Implementation at 1:30 p.m...
Outpatient coders currently report procedures using CPT codes. That won’t change after the switch to ICD-10. However, some facilities currently require outpatient coders to also report procedures...
Hospital medicine is a specialty that provides inpatient services for patients admitted to the hospital. Hospitalists are often called on to consult in regards to and to follow medical problems that occur during hospitalization for surgery, psychiatric hospitalizations, and obstetrical patients. Lois E. Mazza, CPC, explains how to correctly report hospitalist services.
CMS proposed extending the delay on enforcement of physician supervision rules for critical access hospitals and small and rural hospitals with 100 or fewer beds for one final year as part of the 2013 OPPS proposed rule. Debbie Mackaman, RHIA, CHCO, and Jugna Shah, MPH, detail some of the more significant proposals for 2013.
QUESTION: I work for a gastrointestinal (GI) practice and I have a question regarding the correct sequence for adding diagnosis codes to a claim. I have advised our physicians and billers that the primary diagnosis code is always the reason for the visit. I am a little confused about the remaining diagnosis codes the physician will write down in no specific order. Billers will report codes in the order the physicians write down the diagnoses and not always the reason for the visit. For example, a patient is referred for a consult due to weight loss. The patient comes for the consult and the physicians may put down 787.29 (other dysphagia), 401.1 (benign hypertension), 783.21 (abnormal loss of weight), 787.99 (change in bowel habits) in this order and leave it up to the person entering the info to figure it out. I would report 783.21 first since that was the reason for the visit but then I’ve been putting the GI codes next and then anything else last. What is the correct sequence when adding diagnosis codes to a claim?
The Hospital Outpatient Payment Panel recommended CMS change the supervision requirements for 15 HCPCS and CPT ® codes during its second meeting this year in August. CMS released details of the meeting September 24.
Accurate reporting of observation services depends on a lot of factors. Deborah K. Hale, CCS, CCDS, and Cheryl Staley, RHIA, CCS, walk though five case studies to explain the ins and outs of observation coding.
Legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi once described the ideal linebacker as agile, hostile, and mobile. Sadly, some of our local linebackers are significantly less agile and somewhat...
The rugby players who come into the Fix ‘Em Up Clinic are a pretty tough group. They can shrug off broken ribs, downplay dislocations, and boast about bruises. They are no match for gnats, though...
We all know coder productivity will go down after the transition to ICD-10 and it may never rebound to current levels. The question is, how much will productivity decline? It could drop more than you...
Q: I have a question about coding transplant complications. My understanding is if the complication affects the transplanted organ, then coders should assign a code for the transplant complication itself. Is this correct? Consider the following physician documentation: Final A/P: Acute renal failure in patient with history of renal transplant. Should coders report 996.81 (complications of transplanted kidney) and 584.9 (acute kidney failure, unspecified)? Also consider this documentation: CHF in heart transplant patient . Should coders report 996.83 (complications of transplanted heart) and 428.0 (CHF, unspecified)?
The HIM profession is constantly changing, but HIM professionals are still responsible for maintaining the integrity of the health records. Lou Ann Wiedemann, MS, RHIA, FAHIMA, CPEHR, explains why HIM professionals can—and should—also play a role in clinical documentation improvement (CDI).
Inpatient-only procedures are those that CMS has determined providers must perform on an inpatient basis. Kimberly Anderwood Hoy, JD, CPC, and Beverly Cunningham, MS, RN, unravel the complexities of coding for these procedures.
The OIG estimates that Medicare Administrative Contractors paid $8.4 million in overpayments to inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) because IRF and Medicare payment controls did not adequately identify late submissions of patient assessment instruments.
Provider documentation of inpatient wound care services may be confusing at best and completely lacking at worst. Coders end up trying to decipher exactly what procedure the provider performed. Gloryanne Bryant, BS, RHIA, RHIT, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, and Robert S. Gold, MD, offer tips to assist coders in choosing the correct code for inpatient wound care.
News flash: The sky is NOT falling. You don’t need to press the panic button when you think about the transition to ICD-10. It’s time to prepare, practice, and plan. The transition will be a huge...
How tired are you of hearing the phrase “documentation, documentation, documentation” as you prepare for ICD-10? I have a new phrase that you’ll soon dread as well: “Practice, practice, practice.”...
Got an ICD-10 question? Answers are coming soon. ICD-10 implementation is still almost two years away, but the American Hospital Association’s Coding Clinic will add an ICD-10 section starting in the...
Hospitals and physician practices are used to being in competition with each other and maintaing a veil of secrecy over internal operations. Well, that’s not really limited to just healthcare, it...