Have you heard that not all payers will be ready for the ICD-10-CM/PCS coding system on October 1, 2013? What a headache, huh? All payers were required to be ANSI X12 Version 5010 compliant by...
The 2012 ICD-10-CM updates include significant narrative changes for primary malignant neoplasms overlapping site boundaries and malignant neoplasm of ectopic tissue, as well as smaller narrative...
The Medicare Code Editor (MCE) is software that detects and reports errors in the coding on claims that are submitted for payment. All Part A inpatient discharges and transfers pass through the MCE...
CMS recently posted a file that identified duplicate codes within the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM systems. The list isn’t terribly extensive, but in this atmosphere of transitioning from one system to the...
Looking for the 2012 ICD-10-CM code updates? Want to see what's included in the final regular update before implementation? Check the CMS’ ICD-10-CM and GEMS website. CMS posted the 2012 ICD-10-CM:...
Get ready to say goodbye to Coding Clinic for ICD-9 , and hello to Coding Clinic for ICD-10 . The AHA will cease publication of its ICD-9 guidance, but is already planning for an ICD-10-CM/PCS...
For those who work in environments where codes from category V57 (care involving use of rehabilitation procedures) are a staple, you be surprised to learn that when it comes to ICD-10-CM, all V57...
Late effects are considered to be the residual effects after the acute phase of an illness, disease, or injury. Typically, late effects are considered chronic conditions and can result from the...
CMS’ Office of E-Health Standards and Services (OESS) won’t enforce compliance with the HIPAA 5010 transaction set until March 31, 2012, the agency announced November 17 . The 90-day delay will not...
The American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates voted to “work vigorously to stop implementation of ICD-10” during the closing session of its semi-annual policy-making meeting November 15...
Coders are sharpening their knowledge of anatomy and physiology and honing their ICD-10-CM/PCS skills. The HIM department is getting ready for the transition, but did you remember to explain it to...
I had the opportunity to attend the American Health Information Management Association convention this year in Salt Lake City, and I helped work in HCPro's exhibitor booth. As a former HIM director...
Will the new ICD-10-CM concept of using seventh character code extensions to identify initial encounters vs. subsequent encounters cause additional confusion in relation to professional services, for...
Representatives from the American Hospital Association (AHA), the American Health Information Management Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will discuss ICD-10...
As I continue to learn more and work with ICD-10-PCS codes, I find myself questioning the ancillary service codes in ICD-10-PCS. In my experience as an inpatient facility coder, I know that there are...
2013 is right around the corner. Learn how to kick start your hospital-wide ICD-10 educational plans. During this live 90–minute audio conference, our expert speakers will walk you through two...
As an AHIMA ICD-10 certified trainer, I have been doing a lot of work on various ICD-10 projects. When it comes to working with the new coding system, I find myself wondering whether the first ICD-10...
Coders should focus on chest pain, among other areas, as part of a larger review of ICD-9-CM codes and in preparing for ICD-10-CM. Coding chest pain in ICD-9-CM requires the physician to document the...
5010. That’s the cool way of saying Version 5010 of the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12. It is the next version of the HIPAA electronic transaction standards that providers and all HIPAA...
Coders will find they need more information to select the appropriate code in chapter 13 (Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue [M00–M99]) of the ICD-10-CM Manual. Most of the...