During AHIMA’s two-day ICD-10-CM/PCS and Computer-Assisted Coding Summit April 22-23, AHIMA ran some real-time polls with attendees texting in their responses. The results of the polls provide some...
Some body parts just need a little reinforcement. Or maybe a little augmentation. Use root operation Supplement (third character U) to report procedures that involve putting in or on biological or...
Rose Dunn, MBA, RHIA, CPA, CHPS, FACHE, FAHIMA, chief operating officer of First Class Solutions, started the second day of the AHIMA ICD-10 and CAC Summit with a rundown of ways HIM professionals...
The first day of AHIMA’s ICD-10 and CAC Summit is in the books and although attendance is down this year, the speakers have provided some good food for thought. Here are some briefs highlights from...
Don’t blame the AMA for the most recent ICD-10 delay, says Steven Stack, MD , immediate past chair of the AMA Board of Trustees. Stack gave the keynote address at the AHIMA ICD-10 and CAC Summit in...
Coding for pressure ulcers in ICD-10-CM requires precise documentation of the ulcer’s location, which really shouldn’t surprise anyone. ICD-10-CM includes increased specificity for almost every...
Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail—and right into a gopher hole. Stupid rodents. Poor Peter limped his way into the Fix ‘Em Up Clinic to see Dr. Hop A. Long for an initial...
Don’t look now, but mumps are making a comeback . How do we code mumps in ICD-10-CM? Pretty much the same way we code them in ICD-9-CM. The codes just look a little different. In ICD-10-CM, we can...
Sometimes a physician just needs to take a look around a body part and see what’s what. If the physician’s sole objective is to examine a body part, either visually or manually, report the procedure...
We know we're facing at least a one-year delay in ICD-10 implementation. What you with that time? will directly affect how prepared you are for the eventual ICD-10 implementation. Here are some...
What a wild 12 days. On March 25, we were all preparing for the six-month-to-implementation milestone April 1. Some people were looking forward to that milestone more than others, but we had a plan...
If you code for pregnant patients and newborns, you may occasionally wonder which record to code a condition on. Is it something you code for the mother or for her offspring? ICD-10-CM divides the...
The Senate passed HR 4302 designed to patch the Sustainable Growth Rate that included a provision to delay ICD-10 implementation until at least October 1, 2015. The bill, approved by the House in a...
The fate of the October 1, 2014 ICD-10 implementation date will remain in limbo until Monday. The House of Representatives passed HR 4302 Thursday as a one-year fix to the Sustainable Growth Rate (...
The House of Representatives passed HR 4302 today using a controversial surprise voice vote, bringing another ICD-10 delay closer to reality. HR 4302 focuses on patching the Sustainable Growth Rate (...
CMS may be committed to an ICD-10 implementation date of October 1, 2014, but Congress may think otherwise. House of Representatives bill H.R. 4015 is designed to patch the Sustainable Growth Rate...
The codes for complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium appear in Chapter 11 in ICD-9-CM. They move to Chapter 15 in ICD-10-CM. But you will find some more significant changes than...
Holidays are always interesting times here at the Fix ‘Em Up Clinic. We get to see some of the most interesting cases. First up for St. Patrick’s Day is Sean, who at 8 years old thought it would be...
Is this a dagger I see before me? Why, yes, Caesar, that is a dagger aimed at your heart. And your head and just about everywhere else. Servilius Casca got in the first shot, hitting Caesar in the...
In ICD-9-CM, we have one base code for gestational diabetes: 648.8x (abnormal glucose tolerance). We need a fifth digit to specify the episode of care: 0, unspecified as to episode of care or not...