Recovery Auditors audit the MS-DRG, principle diagnosis, any secondary diagnoses, and any procedures that affect—or could affect—DRGs. Christina Benjamin, MA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, reveals the most important documentation pitfalls and coding guidelines challenges related to MS-DRGs under auditor scrutiny.
Healthcare data continues to become the industry’s newest hot commodity. Ralph Wuebker, MD, MBA, and Yvonne Focke, RN, BSN, MBA, explain what information facilities can extract from PEPPER reports.
These days, the healthcare industry is all about the numbers, especially as pay-for-performance becomes more common. Lawrence L. Sanders, Jr., MD, MBA, and Simone R. Gravesande, RN, BSN , review how APR-DRGs work and why all coders should understand them.
The accuracy and completeness of coded data can potentially affect physicians more as the healthcare industry becomes increasingly transparent to consumers. William E. Haik, MD, FCCP, CDIP, Timothy Brundage, MD, Melanie Endicott, MBA/HCM, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCS-P, Cathy Testerman, CCS, EMT, and Donna Walker-Thomas, MBA, RHIA, CPC, CMA, review how coded data relates to physician profiling and offer tips for engaging physicians in documentation improvement.
Although coders and billers don’t play a role in determining whether condition code 44 is appropriate, they certainly ensure correct billing of the code. Deborah K. Hale, CCS, CCDS, and John Zelem, MD, FACS, review the requirements for condition code 44 and when coders should report it.
The three-day rule defines certain preadmission outpatient services as inpatient operating costs that are covered and paid under the IPPS. Kimberly Anderwood Hoy, JD, CPC, and Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, unravel the complex conditions associated with the rule.
Distinguishing between clinical and coding significance is often confusing. Joel Moorhead, MD, PhD, CPC, discusses how coders should differentiate between the two.
Many organizations are concerned about the expected drop in coder productivity after the transition to ICD-10. Angie Comfort, RHIT, CDIP, CCS, discusses the pros and cons of using computer-assisted coding to help offset those productivity losses.
Coded data is incredibly important to a wide range of people. Bill Rudman, PhD, RHIA, Roxanne Andrews, PhD, Gloryanne Bryant, RHIA, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, Glenn Krauss, BBA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS, and Susan Beever, RHIT, CCS, reveal how accurate coding aids research and law enforcement and improves quality of care.
Office politics are a fact of life, but can lead to poor or unjust outcomes. Lois Mazza, CPC, offers tips to help coders navigate the political waters in the office.
Recovery Auditors are currently performing prepayment MS-DRG validation and coding reviews of MS-DRG 312 (syncope and collapse). Ralph Wuebker, MD, MBA, and Stacey Levitt, RN, MSN, CPC, discuss the scope of the new reviews and what coders need to look for in documentation of syncope.
Coders are under constant stress and pressure. They must remain incredibly focused and pay attention to detail regularly. Lois E. Mazza, CPC, discusses why coders need to think about their health.
MS-DRGs won’t change much in the first year after the transition to ICD-10, but hospitals still need to understand the details of the transition. Janice Bonazelli and Dwan Thomas Flowers, MBA, RHIA, CCS, explain how to use the draft ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual to prepare for MS-DRGs in ICD-10.
Electronic health records (EHR) provide opportunities for more efficient and effective care, yet they also provide coding and documentation challenges. Jill M. Young, CPC, CEDC, CIMC, explains what coders need to be wary of when coding from an EHR.
Hospitals are approximately two months into the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program that began with Medicare fee-for-service discharges on or after October 1, 2012. The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program is also well underway. Deborah K. Hale, CCS, CCDS, and Susan Wallace, Med, RHIA, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, explain the important role coded data plays in these and many other quality-of-care-related initiatives.
Recovery Auditors have already begun prepayment audits of MS-DRG 312 (syncope and collapse). Laura Legg, RHIT, CCS, details how hospitals can ensure the appropriate assignment of MS-DRG 312.
So many coding topics to audit, yet so few staff members to perform those audits. Julie Daube, BS, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P, reveals steps you can take to resolve this dilemma and determine which areas to audit in 2013.
Ethical dilemmas can creep in at any time during a coder’s average workday. However, one might be hard pressed to find a coder who will openly acknowledge this. Brad Hart, MBA, MS, CMPE, CPC, COBGC, and Kathy DeVault, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, explore how coders can and should handle ethical dilemmas.
Coders are the backbone of an organization’s fiscal health. Timely coding leads to timely revenue collection. Glenn Krauss, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, PCS, FCS, C-CDIS, discusses why coders must be willing to look beyond their traditional roles to help ensure the continued financial viability and success of the organization.
Do you audit records before sending them to your Recovery Auditor? If not, your hospital may be one of many that simply doesn't have the resources to do so. Lori Brocato, Cathie Eikermann, MSN, RN, CNL, CHC, and Laura Legg, RHIT, CCS, reveal why hospitals should consider auditing records before sending them to the Recovery Auditor.