The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in March found that “foot and ankle care was associated with an 11% lower likelihood of death…and a 9% lower likelihood of major amputation (above or below knee).”
CMS retroactively added two new CPT codes for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine administration. The codes affect services rendered on or after October 6, 2023.
A JAMA study published in January found that patients with the highest risk for severe COVID-19 infection received outpatient therapy less often than those with the least risk.
CMS published a summary of its fourth quarter 2023 HCPCS Level II code update application decisions, including 36 additions, four revisions, and 18 deletions.
CMS posted its 2024 Therapy Code List and Dispositions on December 28. This list indicates whether therapy services, as distinguished by HCPCS Level II and CPT codes, are recognized under CMS as “sometimes therapy” or “always therapy.”
Michael Lonski, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, was sentenced to 27 months of imprisonment and three years of supervised release for conducting $2.6 million in Medicare and Medicaid fraud, the Department of Justice announced December 19.
CMS released its January 2024 HCPCS Level II code update December 7, outlining 344 new and 74 discontinued codes. The code changes will become effective January 1, 2024.
A recent Office of Inspector General audit of inpatient and outpatient Medicare claims estimated that nearly 20% of cases including codes for abuse or neglect were not reported to law enforcement.
CMS recently published a summary of its third quarter 2023 HCPCS Level II code update application decisions, accepting 51 of 61 submissions. There were also 10 codes that will be discontinued and one code whose definition will be revised. The additional codes mostly consist of injections and skin substitutes.
CMS estimated $4.4 billion in improper payments in 2022 for hospital outpatient services, according to a Comprehensive Error Rate Test review recently published in the Medicare Provider Compliance Newsletter. According to the report, of the 1,899 inspected claims, 5.4% were improperly paid.
CMS' recently implemented October OPPS update brings with it a slew of new, revised, and deleted CPT and HCPCS Level II codes with effective dates ranging from April 18 to October 1. Among the additions are codes for vaccines, vaccine administration, skin substitutes, renal histotripsy, and breast imaging.
AMA published the 2024 CPT code set with 349 total editorial changes, including 230 additions, 49 deletions, and 70 revisions. The press release announced revisions for immunization/administration sections, E/M clarification, and new Spanish procedure descriptions.
CMS updated its E/M Services Guide in August, reflecting changes for E/M services that went into effect January 1. The guide includes plain-language explanations of policy changes, but some do not align perfectly with AMA guidance.
CMS recently released a national coverage determination update to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual . This update covers new requirements for CPT coding associated with acupuncture and dry needling services.
CMS recently published a summary of its second quarter 2023 HCPCS Level II code update application decisions, accepting 16 of 24 submissions. Many of the changes addressed in the announcement have an effective date of October 1, but one code revision and one code discontinuation will take effect before then.
CMS published the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule on July 13 with new potential policies and codes affecting physician reporting, including new HCPCS codes for E/M services and behavioral health.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently released the results of an audit of Medicare billing requirements for psychotherapy services submitted from March 2020 through February 2021 as providers adapted to changes introduced as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
CMS released Transmittal 12053 in May, outlining CMS’ intended changes in the July 2023 OPPS update. The new HCPCS codes will be used to report gastric procedures, insulin pump equipment, echocardiography processing, and more.
CMS published its first quarter 2023 HCPCS Application Summaries and Coding Recommendations April 27, which summarizes the final decisions on HCPCS Level II code assignments. CMS created 58 new HCPCS codes, deleted seven codes, and revised one code. Most changes will be implemented July 1.