CMS recently made an administrative settlement process available for inpatient status claims. This process is open to eligible hospitals willing to withdraw pending appeals in exchange for a timely partial payment, or 66% of the net allowable amount, CMS said in the statement.
After missing a proposed fall start date, CMS announced last week that its Medicare Part B drug payment model from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation will not be going forward.
Last week, CMS released an updated version of the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON), which stated that effective March 8, 2017, hospitals will be required to present the MOON advisory in writing and verbally to Medicare beneficiaries who receive at least 24 hours of hospital services under outpatient status.
CMS made no changes for quality measures related to 2019 payment determinations that require reporting next year in the 2017 OPPS final rule. However, for payment determinations in 2020 and subsequent years, CMS is finalizing proposals on seven quality measures.
On October 31, CMS announced that it awarded contracts to the next round of Medicare fee-for-service Recovery Auditors. The base period for contracts is 12 months from the date the contract is awarded, said CMS.
CMS released the 2017 OPPS final rule November 1, implementing site-neutral payment policies required by Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act, adding new comprehensive APCs, and refining several packaging policies.
According to the recent RACTrac survey released from the American Hospital Association, 60% of claims reviewed by Recovery Auditors in the second quarter of 2016 were found to not have an overpayment.
CMS released the final rule implementing provisions of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 on October 14, giving providers a timeline and outline of the quality programs and payment models that will replace the Sustainable Growth Rate and other programs.
In early August, hospitals got a last-minute reprieve from the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) notification requirement. CMS detailed the need for additional time to revise the standardized notification form that hospitals will need to use to notify patients about the financial implications of being assigned to observation services; and, as of now, the requirement is still in delay.
More than half of the members of Congress have written to CMS to consider changes to its proposals for implementation of Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 regarding off-campus, provider-based departments.
As providers prepare for the thousands of new codes and updated guidelines to be implemented October 1, the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee recently met to discuss the next batch of updates to be implemented October 1, 2017.
After an almost five-month deferment, the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organizations resumed initial patient status reviews of short stays in acute care inpatient hospitals, long-term care hospitals, and inpatient psychiatric facilities, CMS announced on their website.
CMS recently released a fact sheet regarding the coding and billing of advance care planning services, following the release of a frequently asked questions document in July on the topic.
A study conducted by Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality finds that common measures used by government agencies and public rankings to rate the safety of hospitals, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s patient safety indicators, and hospital-acquired conditions, do not accurately capture the quality of care provided.
CMS is proposing to replace status indicator E (services not paid, non-allowed item or service) with two more specific status indicators in the 2017 OPPS proposed rule. The agency proposes status indicator E1 for items and services not covered by Medicare and E2 for items and services for which pricing information or claims data are not available.
CMS released the fiscal year 2017 IPPS final rule August 2. ICD-10-CM/PCS code changes and the addition of the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice had a starring role in the final rule.
CMS recently released a short guide aimed at teaching healthcare professionals how to use the Medicare National Correct Coding Initiative tools and the differences between types of edits.
The American Hospital Association recently released its response to CMS’ FY 2017 IPPS proposed rule. The letter, which was sent to CMS’ acting administrator Andrew Slavitt, was presented on behalf of approximately 5,000 AHA member facilities and 43,000 individual members.