Q: How many times should Glasgow Coma Scale information be captured? If you have the ambulance, ED physician, and attending physician all recording the score, should each be reported?
Q: We recently had attending physicians send back queries with responses by the physician assistant (PA) or nurse practitioner (NP) who documented for them. Is it acceptable for a PA or NP to answer queries after the patient is discharged?
Provider-based clinics and departments are increasingly common, but the rules for provider-based billing can often be confusing, especially given recent changes to modifiers and place of service codes.
Q: A patient fractured all metatarsals last year and had open reduction and internal fixation. The patient now has a nonunion of the fracture sites and is going back to the OR for an amputation. What would be the appropriate ICD-10-CM seventh character to report?
Q: In terms of coding blood transfusions, does the documentation of which intravenous (IV) site used have to come from the physician in the progress note or can this particular information be extrapolated from nursing notes, orders, etc.? As far as I can tell, a blood transfusion is usually administered to whatever peripheral IV line/site is available, unless otherwise contraindicated or instructed differently by a specific physician order.
Q: We are an independent outpatient end-stage renal disease clinic. When we administer a blood transfusion (we do not bill for the blood) can we bill HCPCS code A4750 (blood tubing, arterial or venous, for hemodialysis, each) for the tubing used in the procedure and also A4913 (miscellaneous dialysis supplies, not otherwise specified) for miscellaneous supplies pertaining to administering the blood?
Q: Is there guidance on reviewing a record, such as an operative note, that has not been signed by a physician? I am at a facility that allows coding from unsigned transcriptions. I was always told that the information needs to be confirmed by a signature as valid before including that information in the review worksheet. Do you have any recommendations for this?
Q: I have a question about coding infusion/injections in the ED prior to a decision for surgery. A patient comes into the ED with right lower abdominal pain. The physician starts an IV for hydration, gives pain medication injections, then does blood work and an MRI to rule out appendicitis. The blood work comes back with an elevated white blood count, so the patient is started on an infusion of antibiotics. Then the MRI results come in with a diagnosis of appendicitis. So a surgeon is called in to consult and take the patient to surgery. Can we bill the infusions/injections prior to the decision for surgery? I realize that once the decision is made, then the infusion/injections are off limits and are all included in the surgical procedure. But up until that time, can the ED charge the infusions/injections? They are treating the patient’s symptoms and can’t assume the patient will have surgery until the decision is made by the surgeon.
Q: Our business office wants us to start using modifier -PO (services, procedures, and/or surgeries furnished at off-campus, provider-based outpatient departments) for services that are provided in some of our outpatient departments, but not all. We want to hard code this to our charge description master but are not sure why some services will get this modifier and some won't.
Q: I am having trouble with ICD-10-PCS coding for a perineal laceration repair. Some sources state that the correct code uses the perineal anatomic region, not muscle repair. Could you please clarify the correct ICD-10-PCS code for a second-degree obstetrical (perineum) laceration that includes muscle?
Q: How can our team prepare for potential productivity losses post-ICD-10 implementation, specifically regarding procedure codes? Should we consider hiring additional staff or staff with a surgical background?
Q: I have been told by our billers that infusion codes reported in the ED along with an E/M code that has modifier -25 (significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service on the same day of the procedure or other service) require another modifier. I thought that -25 is the only modifier that should be submitted, unless the provider started a second infusion at a second site on the body. This is the first time I’ve been told the infusion coder need a modifier if the E/M has modifier -25 appended. All of my educational articles tell me that the two can be reported together. Have I missed an update somewhere along the way?
Q: In my facility, we are supposed to send an email to our physician advisor (PA) and to administration if a query is not answered within a week. However, this policy doesn’t work well because administration does not do anything with that information, and the PA doesn’t have time to review unanswered queries. Do you have any suggestions concerning when to let a query go unanswered?
Q: I have a question regarding facility coding for evaluation and management (E/M) levels, not for an ED physician, but for facility-level nursing in the ED. If a specialist is called to evaluate or consult on a patient, the nursing intervention is what the facility-level criteria is based on. For example, a patient has difficulty walking, a nurse assists the patient to get an x-ray, takes vitals, does an initial assessment, then provides discharge instructions of moderate complexity. I would code this scenario as a level 3.