Q: Are coders required to report a social determinants of health (SDOH) ICD-10-CM code when a CPT code for an E/M service level is based on medical decision-making (MDM)?
It won’t take long to train staff on the October NCCI update, says Julia Kyles, CPC . The practitioner procedure-to-procedure edit update that went into effect October 1 deletes eight code pairs and revises 18 code pairs.
Coding staff and treating providers can increase E/M code reporting accuracy to ensure their claims hit the mark by reviewing these six Q&As. The material, created by Julia Kyles, CPC , covers medical decision making and time-based coding.
Craniosynostosis, a congenital premature fusion of cranial sutures in infants, poses a complex challenge to the child’s appearance and health. Debbie Jones, CPC, CCA , explains the condition, as well as how to report its many types in ICD-10-CM and associated surgical correction procedures in CPT.
CMS' recently implemented October OPPS update brings with it a slew of new, revised, and deleted CPT and HCPCS Level II codes with effective dates ranging from April 18 to October 1. Among the additions are codes for vaccines, vaccine administration, skin substitutes, renal histotripsy, and breast imaging.
Wound care procedure reporting requires coders to follow many specific policies and procedures. This article reviews common wound care techniques of dressing changes, casting, negative pressure wound therapy, and the necessary documentation to report them in CPT. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
AMA published the 2024 CPT code set with 349 total editorial changes, including 230 additions, 49 deletions, and 70 revisions. The press release announced revisions for immunization/administration sections, E/M clarification, and new Spanish procedure descriptions.
Critical care coding can challenge both new and seasoned coders. Jessica Miller-Dobbs, CPC, CPC-P, CGIC , offers tips and clarification on reporting critical care services in CPT, as well as sample provider documentation for these services.
CMS updated its E/M Services Guide in August, reflecting changes for E/M services that went into effect January 1. The guide includes plain-language explanations of policy changes, but some do not align perfectly with AMA guidance.
Providers and coders alike can find NCCI policies challenging to apply. Denise Williams, COC, CHRI , explains the basics of NCCI by defining the initiative, edits, modifiers, and clinical procedure examples.
CMS recently proposed to pay for certain currently bundled caregiver training service CPT codes and three new CPT codes that, if finalized, will be established January 1. Review the criteria of defining a caregiver and which caregiver training services apply.
Q: Our coding department has a longstanding issue with physicians not presenting enough information to properly report CPT debridement services for ulcers, resulting in queries and denials. What do you recommend?
CMS recently released a national coverage determination update to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual . This update covers new requirements for CPT coding associated with acupuncture and dry needling services.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving treatment used when the heart or lungs cease to function. Whether CPR is conducted alone or with other services, Nancy Reading, RN, CPC, CPC-P , covers the various ways that CPR can be reported and how to do so.
In this article, the author takes a closer look at CMS’ 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule—specifically a proposal to allow new providers to perform and bill behavioral health codes, offer providers new service categories, and give a code-valuation adjustment.
While taking time to relax is important, professionals must seize all opportunities to prepare for updates. Connie White, CPC, CPAR , reviews the process her team at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia takes to prepare for annual CPT code changes.
CMS’ 2024 OPPS proposed rule, released July 13, details major changes to price transparency requirements and proposes numerous changes to behavioral health reimbursement, coverage of dental services, and more.