If you have taken a peek at a draft ICD-10-PCS Manual , you probably realize that you need to be come familiar with a number of root procedures, some of which you may not even be familiar with. But...
One of the biggest changes in ICD-10-CM is the volume of codes that specify laterality. Providers will need to document which side, right or left, that the injury or diagnosis has occurred for...
I taught the first “official” two-day HCPro ICD-10 Basics Boot Camp™ a couple weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised that all 50 participants felt the new coding system was easily learned. If I can...
During the ICD-9-CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee Meeting on Sept. 15, CMS representative Pat Brooks, RHIA, announced that the committee had finalized the decision to implement a partial...
One of the things that is not changing between ICD-9 and ICD-10—which often takes hospital coders by surprise—is that coders of professional services cannot code diagnoses documented with the terms “...
When coding with ICD-10, there may be terms that neither your coders nor your physicians are used to using. Now is the time to pass on this knowledge to your medical staff so they can understand what...
The switch to ICD-10-CM will change more than just your code choices. It will also change how physician offices practice medicine. All of your offices' policies will have to be revised to fit ICD-10-...
So, by now you know ICD-10-CM codes contain more specificity than many ICD-9-CM codes. After all, we’re going from 13,000 codes to 68,000 codes. So where will that increased specificity show up? One...
Although I'm sure these great contributors to the field of medicine will live on in many other publications, ICD-10-PCS coding manuals will no longer include eponyms. So you not only need to be...
OK, so maybe your ICD-10-PCS (Draft) Manual doesn't rank up there with your most memorable reads, however, you can't deny that it's a page-turner! Sometimes, it may seem like you can't find the...
Mark your calendars because on August 13, you'll have the opportunity to register for the September 15-16 ICD-9-CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee Meeting in Washington, DC. As required by...
October 1, 2013 is not the only deadline to be concerned with. If you submit electronic claims, you should complete internal testing with Version 5010 by January 1, 2011 so that you are prepared for...
The network of relationships between the ICD-9-CM and the ICD-10-CM code sets is named the General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) . It’s like trying to translate from one language to another. Sometimes...
Many of the changes to the 2010 ICD-9-CM codes were additions to the external causes of injury and poisoning E codes (E800–E999). Activity codes were added to give context as to what the person was...
If you've been wondering whether the American Hospital Association (AHA) plans to convert guidance it has published in Coding Clinic over the years to include ICD-10 codes, the answer is no. "I am...
The Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS) recently submitted a comment to CMS explaining its position against the proposed code freeze. ACDIS' comment stated the...
I was reading a recent Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) letter to CMS commenting on the 2011 inpatient prospective payment system proposed (IPPS) rule, specifically their recommendations...
On June 23, CMS issued MLN Matters Special Edition article #SE1019 , which is intended to provide healthcare entities more information about the implementation of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. In...
As we continue our journey toward ICD-10 implementation, certified coders will need to show their proficiency in the new coding system. For holders of an American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC...
Can you believe it has been about 18 months since the Department of Health and Human Services announced in the Federal Register that ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS would be implemented on October 1, 2013?...