Various ICD-10-CM/PCS and CPT codes may be used to report hospital services for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Review Q&As on appropriate coding for COVID-19 laboratory testing, comorbidities, and treatments.
Items eligible for CMS’ New Technology Add-on Payment (NTAP) often yield high reimbursement but are prone to charging, coding, and billing errors. Learn about the NTAP designation and its impact on coding and billing processes.
The establishment of mandatory sepsis protocols at all hospitals in New York state is estimated to have saved more than 16,000 lives between 2015 and 2019, according to End Sepsis.
A cesarean section is typically performed when complications from pregnancy make a traditional vaginal birth difficult. Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, COC, CPC-I , breaks down ICD-10-CM coding for common labor and delivery complications, and ICD-10-PCS coding for cesarean deliveries.
Approximately 37.3 million Americans have diabetes, and nearly 20% of them don’t know they have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Review the signs and symptoms of diabetes and guidelines for reporting the condition in ICD-10-CM. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a group of services provided by pharmacists that involve active management of drug therapy. Review CPT coding, the role of pharmacists, and documentation tips associated with MTM.
Hospital coding for wound procedures is notoriously difficult, as the process can seem as messy as the injuries themselves. Clarify wound documentation and guidance for reporting wound diagnoses and procedures using ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS Level II codes. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Although many provisions of the 2022 OPPS final rule are a light lift for hospitals, several have far-reaching implications. Apply these expert tips to ensure you're up to speed and aware of compliance pitfalls.
Q: What is the best way to determine if an E/M service is above and beyond the physician work normally associated with a procedure to justify the use of modifier -25?
The American Medical Association (AMA) recently announced an editorial update to the CPT code set for COVID-19 vaccines that includes new codes for Pfizer-BioNTech’s booster vaccine and Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline’s (Sanofi-GSK) vaccine candidate.
Revenue leakage can be caused by a number of factors including late filings, inconsistent documentation, and inaccurate coding. Fran Jurcak, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O , describes proactive strategies that coding professionals can use to address mid-revenue cycle leakage.
Hospitalists coded a significantly higher proportion of Medicare beneficiaries as high severity compared to non-hospitalists, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Health Forum .
CMS is proposing to hit pause on major changes to MS-DRG designations while considering numerous changes to quality reporting and value programs, according to the fiscal year 2023 IPPS proposed rule. Read up on CMS’ proposed updates, which will impact inpatient hospitals beginning October 1. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Aspiration pneumonia is a lung infection caused by inhaled oral or gastric contents. Alba Kuqi, MD, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, CRCR, CICA, CSCM , breaks down documentation and ICD-10-CM coding requirements for aspiration pneumonia.
Determination of what is medically necessary for any given diagnosis is set forth by the healthcare industry’s Standard of Care. Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, COC, CPC-I , unpacks local and national medical necessity standards and best practices for avoiding denials due to inadequate documentation .
Sometimes even the most seasoned revenue integrity professionals get stumped trying to navigate the maze of billing, charging, and coding rules that govern chargemaster structure. Review expert answers to perplexing chargemaster questions.
CMS’ recently released fiscal year (FY) 2023 IPPS proposed rule includes 1,179 proposed ICD-10-CM code additions, mainly affecting reporting for dementia, concussions, and injuries due to motor vehicle collisions. The code changes, if finalized, would take effect October 1, 2022.