Q: A 65-year-old female has been on Effexor for major depressive disorder for three months and went to her healthcare provider due to tachycardia and palpitations along with mild muscle cramping. It was found that she had accidentally been taking double her prescribed dose due to misunderstanding the instructions. It is reported that she developed serotonin syndrome resulting from toxicity and was also diagnosed with mild hypertension (138/88) due to the serotonin syndrome. How would this encounter be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Lymphoma diagnosis codes received a robust overhaul with the release of the 2025 ICD-10-CM codes, reflecting advancements in understanding and classifying lymphoma. Accurate coding is crucial for reporting such nuances, and Nancy Reading, RN, BS, CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I , is here to update coders on the changes.
Coagulopathy describes the impairment of the blood’s ability to coagulate, leading to prolonged or excessive bleeding that may occur spontaneously or following an injury. Explore the basics of the condition as well as practical tips for accurate ICD-10 coding. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
To comply with a summer court order, the FY 2025 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System was revised to reduce payments for low wage hospitals. Review the updated policy to understand why these adjustments were implemented and what hospitals can expect going forward.
Coding professionals face challenges when the clinical meanings of words do not match the ICD-10-CM classification system, particularly for records related to matters of the heart. Follow Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CRC , as she applies critical thinking, knowledge of disease processes, and an understanding of ICD-10-CM codes to accurately report acute MI cases.
Review a cross-sectional study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that revealed people experiencing homelessness were significantly less likely to receive inpatient systemic therapy or procedures despite having a higher prevalence of more aggressive cancers and longer lengths of stay.
With guidance from Linda Martien, CPC, COC, CPMA, CPC-I, CRC, AAPC approved instructor, AAPC fellow , coding professionals can review arthritis codes to avoid the use of generalized codes in order to reflect a patient’s condition more accurately and ensure compliance with insurance requirements.
The majority of U.S. healthcare organizations struggle with denials and underpayments in all care settings, making it difficult to keep up with a meaningful manual appeals process. Learn how coding professionals can leverage technology to accurately capture and validate clinical data, ensuring proper coding and documentation while reducing the likelihood of denials. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Q: A patient presents with exacerbation of COPD complicated by positive COVID-19 with COVID-19 pneumonia and superimposed MRSA bacterial pneumonia in the setting of chronic bronchitis due to smoking, severe persistent asthma (not currently in exacerbation), and left lower lobe lung cancer in remission following a lobectomy one year ago. Patient continues to smoke cigarettes. How would this diagnostic note be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Successfully managing inpatient stay denials should begin long before they occur and depends on having excellent case management, CDI, and coding departments. Although these departments have differing duties, Cathy Farraher Nakhoul, RN, BSN, MBA, CCM, CCDS , shows how they all play a part in ensuring that the final coded data is compliant and accurate.
Review a recent OIG audit which found that without strengthening program safeguards, CMS and its contractors may not be able to prevent or detect improper payments for short inpatient stays or recover overpayments for claims that do not comply with Medicare requirements.
Deanne Wilk, MPS, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CCS, provides an overview of toxic encephalopathy including signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and relevance for coding professionals and CDI teams.
With advice from three certified medical professionals, CDI specialists and healthcare providers can develop relationships that foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement in documentation and coding practices.
Q: Consider patients who are admitted with cellulitis and have type 2 diabetes mellitus with no neuropathy or elevated glucose levels. Should coders query the provider to clarify if the cellulitis is caused by the diabetes, or should such a query only be sent if a patient has other complications of diabetes such as hypoglycemia or neuropathy?
Pancytopenia is defined as the simultaneous presence of anemia, leukopenia (neutropenia), and thrombocytopenia. Refresh yourself on how each condition plays a role in diagnosing, treating, and coding pancytopenia. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Malnutrition affects millions of people across all age groups, and to better discuss and understand the coding nuances of malnutrition, Cokethia Rachel, CPC, CCS, CPMA, SSBBP, demonstrates how coders should define the condition, appropriately review relevant documentation, and recognize when the medical necessity of malnutrition has been supported. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
A cohort study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the detection of incident stroke events is moderately accurate when using ICD-10-CM codes in Medicare claims and very accurate in ruling out non-stroke cases.
Alba Kuqi, MD, MSHIM, RHIA, CCM, CRCR, CICA, CSMC, CSAF, CCS, CCDS, CDIP, explores common reasons for sepsis-related denials, offers strategies for effective documentation and coding, and presents approaches to successfully appeal these denials.
Q: Video colonoscope was advanced through a patient’s rectum to the cecum where there was normal-looking mucosa throughout. The patient had scattered diverticula in the sigmoid colon and a 6-mm sessile polyp in the proximal rectum that was removed completely by hot biopsy technique. Surgeon documented to await pathology report. How would this operative note be reported in ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS?