Title Type Category
ICD-10-PCS crossword puzzle featuring Replacement codes for the muscles Forms Training
Excerpt from "The Complete Guide to Medical Necessity" Books Hospital inpatient, Hospital outpatient
ICD-10-PCS crossword puzzle featuring Extirpation codes for the lymphatic and hemic systems Forms Hospital inpatient, Training
ICD-10-CM Assessment Forms Hospital inpatient, Hospital outpatient, Training
Pneumonia severity index chart Forms Clinical documentation, Hospital inpatient
Leveraging CDI to Improve Performance Under Alternative Payment Model Methodology Forms Clinical documentation
NCCI edits infographic White Papers Auditing and monitoring, Hospital outpatient, Physician practice, Training
ICD-10-PCS Destruction codes for the lower bones crossword Forms Hospital inpatient
Outpatient CDI staff evaluation form Forms Clinical documentation, Hospital outpatient, Physician practice
Skin ulcer staging Forms Hospital inpatient
ICD-10-PCS crossword puzzle featuring Control codes for anatomical regions Forms Hospital inpatient
Injections and Infusions for Hospital Billing: Case Studies Forms Hospital outpatient, Physician practice
Non-Vascular Interventional Radiology: Clear Up Coding Confusion Webinars Anatomy and terminology, Hospital outpatient, Training
ICD-10-PCS Dilation codes for the eye crossword puzzle Hospital inpatient
ICD-10-PCS Insertion codes for the endocrine system crossword puzzle Forms Hospital inpatient, Training
Sample denial appeal letters Forms Health information management, Hospital outpatient, Physician practice
Coding and Billing for Provider-Based Services Forms Auditing and monitoring, Hospital outpatient, Physician practice
Sample anemia query Forms Hospital inpatient
2016 Modifier Update: NCCI and Modifier -59 Webinars Hospital outpatient, Training
ICD-10-PCS Destruction codes for the bursae and ligaments crossword puzzle Forms Hospital inpatient
