Hospitals earned a big win with drug payments this year in the 2013 OPPS final rule, released November 1. CMS decided to finalize its proposal to follow the statute and reimburse facilities at the average sales price (ASP) plus 6%.
As part of the 2013 OPPS final rule, CMS finalized a clarification to 42 CFR 419.2(b) that could cause confusion in the future if hospitals are audited by third-party payers or by Medicare contractors who do not fully understand the intent of the language or how CMS develops payment rates, says Jugna Shah, MPH, president of Nimitt Consulting based in Washington, D.C.
The biggest operational change for outpatient facilities for 2013 does not appear in the 2013 OPPS final rule. Instead, CMS announced changes to reporting therapy services in the 2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule.
Providers and coders seem to speak two different languages-clinical and coding. Providers already have issues parsing ICD-9-CM "coder speak," so how can you get them to understand ICD-10?