Although ICD-11 has not yet been adopted in the United States, various countries have implemented it to enhance their health data analysis, improve public health strategies, and foster international comparability. This article covers how other countries that have adopted ICD-11 are using their data.
A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that even when patients agreed to be charged for queries sent though a portal, only a tiny fraction of these asynchronous encounters were billed. This article covers why e-visits may be difficult to bill.
When a procedure code isn’t detailed enough to tell your payer precisely what service or procedure was provided, Medicare or the private payer asks physicians to put a modifier next to the procedure code listed on their claim. This article reviews three modifiers commonly used by pain management practices.
Patients diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm, commonly known as cancer, are now living longer due to better treatments. In 2025, there are 47 new ICD-10-CM codes to be used to report lymphoma in remission. This article broadly reviews those new codes.
Prolonged service codes give practices the opportunity to earn additional revenue when the treating clinician spends extra time on a patient’s care. Evaluation and management (E/M) office visit codes include prolonged service code for exclusive use with office E/M services. Learn some quick facts about prolonged service codes and E/M visits.
Physicians and other qualified healthcare professionals have the flexibility to select an evaluation and management level based on either the complexity of medical decision-making or the total time spent on the date of the encounter. This article covers documenting E/M services based on time.