Medical practices in the U.S. are expanding treatment options for major depressive disorder to include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Laurie Bouzarelos, MHA, CPC, reviews the basics of TMS, types of providers who can deliver TMS, and ICD-10-CM/CPT coding for TMS delivery and management.
CMS recently released the 2022 National Correct Coding Initiative Policy Manual for Medicare Services . Julia Kyles, CPC , breaks down procedure-to-procedure and medically unlikely edits for a selection of new provider-based services.
Many physicians are not entirely aware of the denials landscape and their involvement in it is often something they never anticipated. Educating physicians on their role in coding denials is important as it will help ensure proper reimbursement. Part two of this two-part series discusses involving physicians in administrative law judge appeals and monitoring success rates.
Q: We recently had a patient with a history of diabetes admitted with gangrene of the left second toe. Can you review any guidance related to ICD-10-CM coding and documentation for a case like this?
The fall 2021 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade report has been released, assigning grades to 2,901 hospitals. The grades come from hospitals’ performance on over 30 evidence-based measures of patient safety. For the first time, a new grading factor for post-operative sepsis, blood leakage, and kidney injury were included in those measures.
Jillian Harrington, MHA, CPC, CPC-I, CPC-P, CCS, CCS-P, CEMC, MHP, writes that in order to ensure proper coding, documentation, and reimbursement, it’s great practice to have inpatient coding and CDI teams review querying procedures yearly. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Anneleah Williams-Bridges, MS, MBCA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS, RH-CBS, LIA, says that until recently, many organizations have solely used their coding and CDI resources to strengthen the capture of CCs/MCCs, severity of illness/risk of mortality scores, and MS-DRG validation; however, facilities that are not leveraging these teams for denials management and tracking denials as a key performance indicator should consider doing so.