When is in appropriate to use modifier -59 to override coding edits? When is another modifier more appropriate? Susan E. Garrison, CHCA, CHCAS, CCS-P, CHC, PCS, FCS, CPAR, CPC, CPC-H, and Sarah L. Goodman, MBA, CHCAF, CPC-H, CCP, FCS , explain the appropriate use of modifier -59.
Physicians often use the acronyms IBS (which should indicate irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (which should indicate inflammatory bowel disease) interchangeably even though they represent completely different conditions with different treatment and prognoses. Robert S. Gold, MD, and Drew K. Siegel, MD, CPC, offer tips on how to decipher documentation related to these two conditions.
As part of the July update to the Intergrated Outpatient Code Editor, CMS reinstated HCPCS C1882 to the list of acceptable devices for CPT code 33249. Dave Fee, MBA, explains the implications of the change and reviews code changes included in the update.
HCPCS code C1882 (cardioverter-defibrillator, other than single or dual chamber [implantable]) will once again meet the criteria to override the device-to-procedure edit for CPT® code 33249 (insertion or replacement of permanent pacing cardioverter-defibrillator system with transvenous lead[s], single or dual chamber).
A lack of funding shouldn't prevent you from getting creative in your morale-boosting celebrations, according to Rose T. Dunn, MBA, RHIA, CPA, FACHE, FHFMA, and Nicolet Araujo, RHIA. So when your staff members are around, this time of year can be a great time to boost their morale with summer outings and special staff recognition for jobs well done.
The sheer number and detail of new fracture codes in ICD-10-CM is daunting, leaving many coders to wonder-and worry-about whether physicians will document the information they need to assign the correct codes.
Cross-training coders has definitive short-term advantages, such as enhancing staff coverage during holidays and vacations and increasing the department's ability to handle periods of fluctuation in certain bill types. But coding managers might not realize that these benefits can also help hospitals with long-term preparation for ICD-10. Angie Comfort, RHIT, CCS, and Rose T. Dunn, MBA, RHIA, CPA, FACHE, explain the benefits of cross training coders as ICD-10 approaches.
In late May, CMS released nationwide a new short-term (ST) acute care Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPER). The ST PEPPER provides short-term acute care hospital (STACH) statistical data for the most recent 12 federal fiscal quarters, ending with the first quarter of fiscal year 2012.
Pain is an expected component of injuries, illnesses, and surgical procedures. In some instances, however, the patient's pain is unexpected or is worse than predicted. Sometimes, the pain can last well beyond the time it should have resolved. Shelley C. Safian, PhD, CCS-P, CPC-H, CPC-I, and Susan E. Garrison, CHCA, CHCAS, CHC, PCS, FCS, CCS-P, CPAR, CPC, CPC-H, provide tips and guidance to help coders accurately report pain management diagnoses and procedures.