Our coding experts answer your questions about correct use of modifier –PD, coding infusions to correct low potassium levels, payment for HCPCS code J2354, appropriate reporting of IV push followed by infusion of the same drug, and the difference between modifiers –AS and -80.
Emergency Departments (EDs) see a wide range of illnesses and injuries, from minor to major, which may require critical care. Lois E. Mazza, CPC, details how critical care is defined, what elements providers must document, and under what circumstances critical care can be coded for ED patients.
With the increased specificity required for ICD-10-CM coding, coders need a solid foundation in anatomy and physiology. To help coders prepare for the upcoming transition, we will provide an occasional article about specific anatomical locations and body parts as part of a larger series for ICD-10-CM preparation. This month’s column addresses the anatomy of the eye.
Choosing a principal diagnosis can be tricky for coders. Luckily, Gloryanne Bryant, BS, RHIA, RHIT, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, and Robert S. Gold, MD, help unravel the complexities of principal diagnosis selection.
The Rh factor of positive and negative can lead to problems between a mother and the developing fetus, a condition known as mother-fetus incompatibility. In some cases, the mother must receive the Rho(D) immune globulin. Lori-Lynne A, Webb, COBGC, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA , explains the diagnostic and procedure coding options for Rho(D) immune globulin.
Many HIM directors and coding managers are aware of the decrease in productivity that is anticipated with the implementation of ICD-10. The concern is a valid one, according to Rose T. Dunn, MBA, RHIA, CPA, FACHE, FHFMA, who explains what’s ahead and how HIM professionals should prepare.
The guiding principle is the definitive methodology used for all risk adjustment medical record reviews. Successful Medicare Advantage (MA) plans focus on early disease detection, coordination of care, and accurate reporting of members’ chronic conditions by primary care physicians, retrospective and prospective pursuits to drive and improve health outcomes. Holly J. Cassano, CPC, guides coders through the principles of risk adjustment for MA plans.
Do not view the proposed rule extending the ICD-10 implementation date from October 1, 2013, to October 1, 2014, as a year-long break from ICD-10 preparations. Rather, focus on using the additional time allotted to your advantage. This includes conducting documentation and coding assessments to gauge ICD-10 readiness. Gloryanne Bryant, BS, RHIA, RHIT, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, explains why—and how—facilities should start assessing the readiness of their coding staff and documentation procedures in relation to ICD-10 requirements and create strategies to manage any deficiencies.
Coders will need very specific information in order to code for fractures in ICD-10-CM, including the type of fracture, specific bone fractured, and whether the patient is seen for an initial or subsequent visit. Robert S. Gold, MD, Sandy Nicholson, MA, RHIA, and Shannon E. McCall, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CPC-I, CEMC, CCDS, detail the information physicians must document for accurate fracture code assignment.