CMS has released a document to clarify questions providers raised about its recent guidance on ICD-10-CM, including answers on how the agency is defining a family of codes.
A recent salary survey conducted by our sister publication Medical Records Briefing found the same trends prevail year after year: the 145 HIM professionals who responded feel they are overworked and underpaid.
A Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) study found insufficient documentation to be the cause of 97% of improper payments for certain kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty procedures, according to the Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter.
CMS announced a new incentive program designed to reduce complications from joint replacement surgery. The new proposed Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement will require bundling of reimbursement for hip and knee surgeries, with profits tied closely to costs and quality metrics.
Q: When the surgeon documents excision of a complex pilonidal cyst with rhomboid flap closure, is the flap closure coded separately or is it included in CPT ® code 11772 (excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus; complicated)?
Q: Should modifiers for laterality be used for CPT ® code 31624 (bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; with bronchial alveolar lavage)?
Q: In ICD-9-CM, sprains and strains fall under the same codes. Will that also be the case in ICD-10-CM or are we going to report these injuries separately?
Q: A patient arrives at the interventional radiology department to have an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter inserted for portal hypertension and an iliac stent for May-Thurner syndrome. The physician is unsuccessful in accessing an appropriate portal vein branch, despite a few attempts to pass a wire into small portal branches, and aborts the placement. The plan is to reschedule and return with a transplenic approach. Do we code the attempted IVC filter placement with modifier -74 (discontinued outpatient procedure after anesthesia administered) and the complete iliac stent procedure? Or do we code the extent of the IVC filter placement (that being venography) with the complete procedure? Or do we only code the completed procedure?