CMS Transmittal 3217 , effective April 1, will allow inpatient-only procedures to be included on inpatient claims, similar to other outpatient services included in the three-day window.
Q: Our electronic health record system only provides for a "yes/no" choice under smoker. How can we capture the additional details necessary for an ICD-10-CM code assignment?
Three university hospitals saw a doubling of Recovery Auditor audit activity from 2010–2011 to 2012–2013, and a nearly three-fold increase in overpayment determinations, according to a new study in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.
Q: I have a question regarding a National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edit. I reported CPT ® code 80053 (comprehensive metabolic panel) and 84132 (potassium; serum, plasma or whole blood), resulting in an NCCI conflict. This code pair does allow modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) to be appended to one of the codes to be paid for both tests. Does it matter if we append modifier -59 to the primary code or the secondary?\ In my case, sometimes the secondary code is already dropped into the system and now the edit is asking me to append the modifier. Can I add modifier -59 to 80053 whether it's the primary code or not?
Q: Would it be appropriate to report CPT ® code 75984 (change of percutaneous tube or drainage catheter with contrast monitoring [e.g., genitourinary system, abscess], radiological supervision and interpretation) for the following procedure: A small amount of contrast was injected through the indwelling nephrostomy drainage catheter. This demonstrated the catheter is well positioned within the renal collecting system. There is a small amount of thrombus attached to the tip of the pigtail catheter. The existing catheter was cut and a guidewire was advanced through the catheter into the renal collecting system. The existing catheter was removed over the wire and exchanged for a new 10 French nephrostomy tube. The catheter was secured to the skin with 2-O suture and covered with a sterile dressing.
CMS is adequately preparing to implement ICD-10 October 1, according to a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report detailing CMS’ transition efforts.
Q: Is it correct to append modifier -52 (reduced services) to a procedure code when the physician performed the procedure, but did not find a mass? This was unexpected, so the surgeon went deeper into the subcutaneous tissue and still did not find anything. This is the outpatient note for a patient with a history of breast cancer and a new lump on her arm with an indeterminate ultrasound: Under local anesthesia and sterile conditions, a vertical incision was made over the area of the palpable abnormality. We dissected down beneath the subcutaneous tissues. I could encounter no definitive mass or lesions in this area. We went down to the fascia of her bicep. Her biceps appear normal, and the skin and subcutaneous tissue appear normal. My presumption is that this represented some sort of venous anomaly, and I either popped it or incised it during our entry into the skin, and it is now resolved. Would CPT ® code 24075-52 (excision, tumor, soft tissue of upper arm or elbow area, subcutaneous; less than 3 cm) be correct to report?
Our sister website recently published its 2014 Coder Salary Survey. Since many of our readers responded to the survey, we would like to share some of the results with you.