CMS' Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program found "many" improper payments in a review of Part B psychiatry and psychotherapy services claims, according to the most recent Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter .
A review of Medicare CT scan claims from July 2011 to June 2012 found that 16% claims had an improper payment rate, according to the most recent Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter .
The American Hospital Association (AHA), along with four hospital associations and several hospitals, filed two complaints April 14 in opposition of CMS’ 2-midnight rule for inpatient admissions, according to an AHA press release.
In the wake of the latest ICD-10 implementation delay, coders and other healthcare professionals are looking for ways to continue with their implementation and training. They are also looking for ways to minimize the disruptions the delay may cause.
On Monday, the Senate passed a House of Representatives bill on Medicare payments that included a provision to delay ICD-10 implementation until at least October 1, 2015.
Coding Clinic's Third and Fourth Quarter 2013 issues focus considerable attention on ICD-10-PCS procedure coding. On p. 18, Coding Clinic Third Quarter 2013 states that the coding of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) depends on the end placement of the PICC line?that is, where the device ends up.