Although ICD-10-CM resolves some problematic areas of coding, it isn't a panacea. Robert S. Gold, MD reviews how respiratory insufficiency will continue to challenge coders.
Like the skin, dermatology coding has several layers. Betty Hovey, CPC, CPC-H, CPB, CPMA, CPC-I, CPCD, says that coders need to pay attention to the type of procedure, site, size, and more in order to accurately report each encounter.
Hospitals are being incorrectly reimbursed for preadmission testing that occurs within the three days prior to admission, according to Recovery Audit findings.
Some providers are billing only add-on codes without their respective primary codes, resulting in overpayments, according to CMS. Add-on codes billed without their primary codes are considered an overpayment, with one exception.
Health information exchange between hospitals and other providers has risen by 41% between 2008 and 2012, according to research published in Health Affairs from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
CMS’ Pat Brooks, RHIA, senior technical advisor, Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group, and AHIMA’s Sue Bowman, MJ, RHIA, CCS, FAHIMA, senior director, coding policy and compliance, reviewed basic ICD-10 information during a CMS National Provider Call August 22.
Our experts answer questions about billing vasectomy and sperm analysis , coding for ED visit when the patient is admitted for surgery, billing glucose reading before a PET scan, documentation required for the functional limitation codes, and appropriate reporting of observation.