Q: A patient came to the ED with shortness of breath (SOB). The admitting diagnosis was possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS) due to SOB and elevated troponin levels. The ACS was ruled out. Elevated troponin levels were assumed to be due to chronic renal failure (CRF), and no reason was given for SOB. Before discharge, the patient was noted with an elevated temperature and found to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). All treatment was directed at the UTI, and the doctor noted the discharge diagnosis as the UTI. What would be the principal diagnosis in this case?
Q: How should the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and encephalopathy be sequenced, specifically which diagnosis should be the principal? If physician documentation indicates that the patient came in with confusion, can encephalopathy be assigned as the principal diagnosis if it is due to the UTI and no other contributing issues are present?
Q: Can CDI programs use the information on ambulance forms or trip tickets to abstract from if the information is pulled into or reiterated in the ED or history and physical (H&P) documentation? Our staff doesn’t want to miss criteria that would diminish our ability to substantiate the true severity of illness of some patients, but I have been informed that coders are not allowed to code from ambulance papers or information.
Q: A patient comes in with a malunion of a fracture. A different physician treated the patient initially for the fracture, but the patient came to see our physician for surgery to repair the malunion. Which seventh character should we use: A for initial encounter or P for subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion?
Q: When atelectasis is noted on an ancillary test such as a CT scan of the abdomen or chest x-ray, can nursing documentation of turning, coughing, and deep breathing be considered an intervention that qualifies as one of the criteria to meet a secondary diagnosis?
Q: If the physician does not perform a formal myelography and just administers an injection before the patient goes straight for computed tomography (CT), which CPT ® code would we report in 2015? The 2015 combination codes are for use when the same radiologist or physician who performs the injection reads his or her own study.
Q: If the physician writes septic shock instead of sepsis, do I need to query for sepsis? Is this an integral part of the diagnosis and sepsis would be the principal diagnosis, with septic shock a secondary diagnosis, making it an MCC?