Q: I am looking for information about to how to bill for a transnasal-endoscope approach in removing a skull-base tumor. I have never been comfortable with the doctors wanting to use CPT ® 61600 (resection or excision of neoplastic, vascular or infectious lesion of base of anterior cranial fossa; extradural) to bill a non-invasive procedure. I am perplexed about which CPT code(s) to report for this type of procedure.
Q: Can you explain when a neoplasm should be listed as the principal diagnosis? We have some coders who believe the neoplasm should always be the principal diagnosis.
Q: A patient presents with lower back pain and the physician documents findings of stenosis, degenerative “changes,” and mild facet arthropathy. Which diagnosis codes should we report? I would code 724.02 (stenosis, lumbar region, without neurogenic claudication) and 721.3 (lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy) for the facet degeneration. Another coder has stated that I cannot code 724.02, as the 721.3 diagnosis code will exclude the use of 724.02. Can you help with this scenario?
Q: When we send in a claim for CPT ® code 29898 (arthroscopy, ankle, surgical; debridement, extensive) to Aetna with modifier –AS (non-physician assisting at surgery) for our physician’s assistant, Aetna will deny the claim saying “assistant not covered.” However, that procedure code says it is covered for an assistant surgeon. I have sent appeal after appeal and printouts from the American College of Surgeon’s (ACOS) Coding Today website showing this procedure code is payable to Aetna, and Aetna still denies the claim. Medicare pays on this claim, why wouldn’t Aetna?
CMS released version 31 of the MS-DRG grouper for ICD-10 in November. Providers can use the grouper to identify MS-DRG shifts and payment changes under ICD-10. The Final ICD-10 MS-DRG v32 logic, which will be implemented on October 1, 2014, will be subject to rulema
Q: How does CPT ® define "final examination" for code 99238 (hospital discharge day management; 30 minutes or less)? Does the dictation have to include an actual detailed examination of the patient? We have been coding 99238 for discharges that include final diagnosis, history of present illness, and hospital course along with discharge labs, medicines, and home instructions. Very few contain an actual exam of the patient. Have we been miscoding all this time?
Q: Can you ask a yes or no question in a query based on clinical information from a previous echocardiogram report or other diagnostic result from a previous admission?
Q: When a procedure is performed by laparoscopy, but only a code for the open approach is listed, do you use the unlisted procedure code? For example, the physician documented: laparoscopic pyloromyotomy, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. We used CPT ® code 43520-22 (pyloromyotomy, cutting of pyloric muscle, Fredet-Ramstedt type operation, with the increased procedural services modifier) but the coding department corrected with 43659 (unlisted laparoscopy procedure, stomach). We are a pediatric surgical practice. I feel because the procedures are very common and performed often, our revenue will drop by using unidentified procedure codes, but I want to code them correctly.
Q: What recommendation would you give to the coder when the clinical indicators in the chart do not support sepsis but it’s in the final diagnostic statement?