CMS added seven CPT ® codes to the conditionally bilateral list as part of the April update to the Integrated Outpatient Code Editor. When a provider performs a conditionally bilateral service bilaterally, coders must append modifier -50 (bilateral procedure) to the code.
Q: Using the ICD-10-CM guidelines for the seventh character extensions for fracture codes, how should I identify each of the following? Avascular necrosis following fracture Cast change or removal Emergency treatment Evaluation and management by a new physician Follow-up visits following fracture treatment Infection on open fracture site Malunion of fracture Nonunion of fracture Medication adjustment Patient delayed seeking treatment for the fracture or nonunion Removal of external of internal fixation device Surgical treatment
Q: We received an outpatient radiology report (exam performed 7/11/12) where the radiologist states: CLINICAL INDICATION: LUMBOSACRAL NEURITIS EXAM: LUM SPINE AP/LAT CLINICAL STATEMENT: LUMBOSACRAL NEURITIS COMPARISON: MAY 23, 2012 FINDINGS: There is posterior spinal fusion L-3-L-5 with solid posterolateral bridging bone graft. Pedicle screws and rods are stable in position. There are bilateral laminectomy defects at L3-L-4. The vertebral body and disc space heights are preserved. The spinal alignment is maintained without evidence of spondylolisthesis. No acute fracture is identified. No lytic or blastic lesions are seen. The sacroiliac joints are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: Stable postsurgical changes with solid posterolateral fusion graft. Would you use the following ICD-9 codes: V67.09, 724.4. or 724.4, V45.4? Our coders disagree.
Medical necessity for cardiovascular procedures is the top overpayment issue for three out of the four Recovery Auditors in FY 2013 first quarter (October 2012–December 2012), according to the most recent release of improper payment statistics .
Q: A patient received Toradol 30 mg IV and Zofran 4 mg IV at 14:38. He also had normal saline wide open with documented start of 14:30 and stop of 15:40. Is the hydration chargeable as 96361 (intravenous infusion, hydration; each additional hour) even though the initial service is not 90 minutes? Is the hydration a concurrent service?
Q: A patient with undiagnosed syncope is admitted to observation. Later that evening, the patient is diagnosed with syncope and develops complications that warrant an inpatient admission. Should the patient be considered an inpatient from the time inpatient criteria are met or from the time the inpatient order is written?
Q: In ICD-9-CM we only have one type of Excludes note. ICD-10-CM uses Excludes1 and Excludes2. What is the difference between the two types of Excludes notes and how do they relate to Excludes notes in ICD-9-CM?
Q: A patient presents with a sore throat, and the physician states “Sore throat; differential diagnoses include streptococcal sore throat, tonsillitis, postnasal drip.” If the physician doesn’t rule out any of the differential diagnoses, should the coder query for clarification or simply choose one of the differential diagnoses?
Q: The rule our institution has followed with respect to HCPCS coded medications without a local coverage determination (LCD) is to limit prescribing to the FDA-approved indications. The question that arises is how closely do the physicians need to follow the package insert? For example, the drug basiliximab does not have an LCD and the FDA indication is: For acute kidney transplant rejection prophylaxis when used as part of an immunosuppressive regimen that includes cyclosporine and corticosteroids. Generally, physicians performing transplants at our institution do not use steroids or cyclosporine. They use tacrolimus, sirolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and/or mycophenolate sodium. If the physician performs a transplant without cyclosporine or steroids, do we need to have the patient sign an advanced beneficiary notice?