A recent medical record review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open found that between October 1, 2021, and January 31, 2022, providers used ICD-10-CM code U09.9 (post-COVID-19 condition, unspecified) to identify a multitude of post-acute conditions brought on by COVID-19.
Flail chest is the most severe type of blunt traumatic chest injury and is likely the most common serious thoracic injury. Debbie Jones, CPC, CCA, explains the symptoms, diagnostic process, and guidelines associated with reporting flail chest.
A coder’s practice should check its telehealth claims against the information in the recent Office of Inspector General data brief on telehealth services, healthcare attorneys advise. Julia Kyles, CPC, reviews the September 2 report, which contains findings and program integrity measures for telehealth services.
The 2023 update to the ICD-10-CM code set includes over 60 new codes for intracranial injuries with loss of consciousness, status known. This article covers codes from the 2023 ICD-10-CM update that pertain to traumatic injuries of the brain, specifically the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
CMS recently published Transmittal 11594 , outlining HCPCS codes for drugs that received pass-through status, new proprietary laboratory analysis (PLA) codes for tests, code revisions for pharmaceutical drugs, and skin substitute product codes, all of which became effective October 1.
Respiratory failure occurs when the body is unable to provide oxygen to or remove carbon dioxide from the body. Alba Kuqi, MD, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, CRCR, CICA, CSCM , breaks down documentation and ICD-10-CM coding for acute and chronic respiratory failure.
Coders must be familiar with ICD-10-CM reporting guidelines for common neurological conditions. This article unpacks recent updates to the nervous system chapter of ICD-10-CM including 14 new codes for autonomic conditions and fatigue syndromes. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
A recent review of inpatient medical records published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open from 463 hospitals found significant increases in pregnancy-related complications and maternal death during the COVID-19 pandemic.