Q: My question pertains to CPT® vasectomy code 55250. This code includes "unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure) including postoperative semen examination(s).” The CPT manual states that a reference laboratory that performs the semen analysis may bill separately for this service. May we bill CPT code 89321 ( semen analysis; sperm presence and motility of sperm, if performed .) in addition to 55250 when the laboratory performs the semen analysis and the surgeon only performs the vasectomy?
CMS is translating only 27% of its current National Coverage Determinations (NCD) from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM, according to Janet Anderson Brock, CMS’ director of the Division of Operations and Information Management, Coverage and Analysis Group Center for Clinical Standards and Quality.
Q: A surgeon’s dictated report for a right hip hemiarthroplasty states the following: Of note, while drilling one of our transosseous suture holes with a 2.0 mm drill bit, the end of the drill bit broke off inside of the trochanter. It seemed to be quite deep into the bone and was not retrievable. As such, it was left in place. Should we report 998.4 (foreign body accidentally left during a procedure) for this case?
Q: If a patient has a spinal deformity on L5-S1 and we use the appropriate codes from 2280X and then the physician performs an arthrodesis/fusion on the same level, can we bill the appropriate fusion codes (225XX-226XX) as well? My impression is no, but I would love to get some insight into this question.
Q: A physician's office collects a pap specimen and sends the specimen to the hospital lab for processing. The physician's office lists ICD-9-CM code V72.31 (general gynecological examination with or without Papanicolaou cervical smear) as the diagnosis for this service. What is the proper diagnosis code for the hospital to use for billing when only processing the specimen?
Q: Can you clarify the requirements surrounding the use of E codes? We have been working on documentation concerns related to patient safety indicator (PSI) 15 and wonder if E codes are required. Can a facility simply decide not to use them?
QUESTION: A patient was exposed to shingles, for which a coder reported ICD-9-CM code V01.79 (exposure to other viral diseases, including HIV). This poses a problem for billing as code V01.79 is a confidential diagnosis, requiring special release of information from the patient and would remain on the insurance record. As an RN and certified coder, I believed code V01.71 (exposure to varicella) is the correct code because the varicella virus causes both chicken pox and shingles. However, I am being overridden by the chief business office. Which code is correct?