Q: In ICD-10-PCS, which root operation would we report for an obstetrical delivery? Would it change for a cesarean section versus a manually assisted vaginal delivery?
Some of the most sweeping changes in OPPS history were proposed in the 2014 rule, including new packaging rules, quality measures, and changes to evaluation and management. Jugna Shah, MPH, and Dave Fee, MBA, look at some of the changes and how they could impact providers.
Q: My question pertains to CPT® vasectomy code 55250. This code includes "unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure) including postoperative semen examination(s).” The CPT manual states that a reference laboratory that performs the semen analysis may bill separately for this service. May we bill CPT code 89321 ( semen analysis; sperm presence and motility of sperm, if performed .) in addition to 55250 when the laboratory performs the semen analysis and the surgeon only performs the vasectomy?
CMS is translating only 27% of its current National Coverage Determinations (NCD) from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM, according to Janet Anderson Brock, CMS’ director of the Division of Operations and Information Management, Coverage and Analysis Group Center for Clinical Standards and Quality.