As expected, not much has changed for 2013 with ICD-10-PCS codes. The updated code set is now available on the the CMS website . CMS confirmed in April that the code freeze will hold until ICD-10-CM/...
Remember when your grade school English teacher drilled the rule of punctuation into your head? Instead of an English lesson, consider this an ICD-10-CM punctuation lesson. Brackets are used in the...
Until HHS issues a clear and direct statement on a final ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation date, some healthcare entities will stop any progress to compliance with new ICD-10 requirements, according to...
CMS reassigned 10 codes to status indicator K (paid under OPPS; separate APC payment) as part of the July update to the Integrated Outpatient Code Editor .
QUESTION: The vendor for our cochlear implants has stated it’s standard to provide our operating suite with the cochlear device and two external speech processors. Should we report HCPCS Level II code L8614 (cochlear device, includes all internal and external components) for the one device and two external speech processors even though one processor is sent home with the patient? If so this means that we should charge the patient for the device and two processors as one price under revenue code 278.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the permanent alteration in the kidney’s ability to perform filtration and reabsorption functions. Patients with CKD can come into an outpatient clinic or may be admitted as an inpatient, either for the CKD or some other condition. Debra Lawson, CPC, PCS, and Jennifer E. Avery, CCS, CPC-H, CPC, CPC-I, explain the ICD-9-CM and CPT ® coding for CKD.
With the increased specificity required for ICD-10-CM coding, coders need a solid foundation in anatomy and physiology. To help coders prepare for the upcoming transition, we will provide an occasional article about specific anatomical locations and body parts as part of a larger series for ICD-10-CM preparation. This month’s column addresses the anatomy of the eye.
Emergency Departments (EDs) see a wide range of illnesses and injuries, from minor to major, which may require critical care. Lois E. Mazza, CPC, details how critical care is defined, what elements providers must document, and under what circumstances critical care can be coded for ED patients.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have already passed (and Grandparents Day isn’t until September), but we still see plenty of babies (and grouchy parents) here at Fix ‘Em Up Clinic. Sativa brings in...
The ICD-10-CM makes a distinction between burns and corrosions. The burn codes are for thermal burns, except sunburns, that come from a heat source, such as a fire or hot appliance. You also report e...
Choosing a principal diagnosis can be tricky for coders. Luckily, Gloryanne Bryant, BS, RHIA, RHIT, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, and Robert S. Gold, MD, help unravel the complexities of principal diagnosis selection.
QUESTION: A patient was exposed to shingles, for which a coder reported ICD-9-CM code V01.79 (exposure to other viral diseases, including HIV). This poses a problem for billing as code V01.79 is a confidential diagnosis, requiring special release of information from the patient and would remain on the insurance record. As an RN and certified coder, I believed code V01.71 (exposure to varicella) is the correct code because the varicella virus causes both chicken pox and shingles. However, I am being overridden by the chief business office. Which code is correct?
Medical necessity denials traditionally focus on high-dollar MS-DRGs, such as those for hip and knee replacements; other MS-DRGs may also soon become targets, such as inpatient wound care, according to Nelly Leon-Chisen, RHIA, and Glenn Krauss, BBA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, PCS, FCS, C-CDIS, CCDS. Krauss and Leon-Chisen discuss coverage determinations, excisional vs. nonexcisional debridement, debridement of multiple layers, and more.
Why do coders need to know about Value Based Purchasing, the Readmissions Reduction Program, and Hierarchical Condition Categories codes? Glenn Krauss, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS, explains why it all comes back to coding accuracy and complete documentation.
Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) will accept only ASC X12 Version 5010 or NCPDP Telecom D.0 electronic transactions beginning on July 1, according to a CMS June 11 Medicare Fee-For-Service Provider Partnership Program e-newsletter.
Anytown High School held its commencement ceremony over the weekend and it turned out to be a memorable event for more than the usual reason. Class president Marina decided to wear a pair of really,...
When a physician performs a procedure designed to put in a device without doing anything else to a body part, coders will report ICD-10-PCS root operation insertion (third character H in the medical...
The ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting now include guidelines for coding methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), so let’s look at how to code MRSA. The physician...
QUESTION: I've always coded labile hypertension with ICD-9-CM code 401.9 (unspecified essential hypertension) because I couldn't find a more specific one. My supervisor stated that I must use ICD-9-CM code 796.2 (elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension) because it means the patient's blood pressure was high without a history of hypertension. The physician's diagnosis is labile hypertension. What code would you use?