An absence of start and stop times is one of the more frequent challenges that coders face when reporting injections and infusions. Denise Williams, RN, CPC-H, and Jugna Shah, MPH, highlight some other challenges to help coders determine how to code for injections and infusions.
The Rh factor of positive and negative can lead to problems between a mother and the developing fetus, a condition known as mother-fetus incompatibility. In some cases, the mother must receive the Rho(D) immune globulin. Lori-Lynne A, Webb, COBGC, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA , explains the diagnostic and procedure coding options for Rho(D) immune globulin.
In coding, sometimes it really is brain surgery and coders need a strong understanding of the anatomy of the skull and brain in order to correctly report diagnoses and procedures. Cynthia Stewart, CPC, CPMA, CPC-H, CPC-I, discusses the anatomy of the brain and skull and guides coders through some brain surgery procedures.
ICD-10-CM includes some specific guidelines to help coders decide when to code for a current malignancy or a personal history of malignancy. The physician excises a primary malignancy but the patient...
Summer means sand and sun for many people, but a day at the beach can result in a visit to the Fix ‘Em Up Clinic. Danielle hit the beach, but forgot her sunscreen. As a result, she ended up with a...
CMS has issued both a National Coverage Determination (NCD) Transmittal 143 and Medicare Claims Processing Transmittal 2473 on the coverage of extracorporeal photopheresis for the treatment of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) in certain circumstances under clinical research studies.
QUESTION: Do you predict coder productivity will decline as a result of ICD-10? If so, what do you think the declines will be six months after implementation?
Many HIM directors and coding managers are aware of the decrease in productivity that is anticipated with the implementation of ICD-10. The concern is a valid one, according to Rose T. Dunn, MBA, RHIA, CPA, FACHE, FHFMA, who explains what’s ahead and how HIM professionals should prepare.
A lot of learning is ahead for coders and others who will need to learn how to code in ICD-10. There are changes all around, and OB coding is no exception. Lori-Lynne A, Webb, COBGC, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA, explains coding for OB ultrasounds, amniocentesis, MRIs, and other procedures in CPT ® , ICD-9, and ICD-10
By now, you may have heard that the ICD-10-CM codes are more specific than those used in the ICD-9-CM system, and fracture coding is one of the areas undergoing the most changes. Shannon McCall, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CEMC, CPC-I, CCDS, discusses fracture coding in ICD-10 and some of the expected documentation challenges associated them.
Some ICD-10-PCS root operations encompass a wide range of procedures. Think biopsy, excision, and extraction. Others cover a much smaller range of possible procedures, including fusion. Coders will...
A patient comes in for a face lift or another cosmetic procedure. What root operation should you code the procedure to in ICD-10-PCS? The answer: alteration (third character 0). The goal of an...
Consider this scenario: A physician orders three hours of hydration as well as a one-hour therapeutic antibiotic infusion for a patient. A nurse documents the hydration start time as 10 a.m. and the antibiotic start time as 11 a.m. Neither provider documents a stop time. What should coders report?
With the increased specificity required for ICD-10-CM coding, coders need a solid foundation in anatomy and physiology. To help coders prepare for the upcoming transition, we will provide an occasional article about specific anatomical locations and body parts as part of a larger series for ICD-10-CM preparation. This month’s column addresses the anatomy of the skull.
Inpatient hospitals will see CMS payment rates increase 2.3% in FY 2013 if the agency finalizes the change in the IPPS proposed rule released in April. CMS expects that in FY 2013, the documentation and coding adjustment will net an aggregate 0.2% increase. Other quality-of-care initiatives could reduce payments.
In this month's issue, we clear up confusion surrounding injections and infusions coding, provide an anatomy refresher for the skull, detail changes to the I/OCE for April, discuss the proposed implementation delay for ICD-10, and answer your coding questions.