CMS recently made an administrative settlement process available for inpatient status claims. This process is open to eligible hospitals willing to withdraw pending appeals in exchange for a timely partial payment, or 66% of the net allowable amount, CMS said in the statement.
Q: If a complication is clearly documented as unavoidable or due to a complex situation, should it be coded even if an intervention was done to correct it?
Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, CCDS , notes that getting a handle on a facilities’ case-mix index (CMI) fluctuations can be difficult, and shares insights to how CDI teams can handle these CMI difficulties.
Adrienne Commeree, CPC, CPMA, CCS, CEMC, CPIP , writes about how the selection of the code and a principal diagnosis seems fairly straightforward, but there are multiple factors that must be considered and reviewed before a coder can assign a certain diagnosis as principal.
The 2017 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting brought many changes and updates for coders, and present-on-admission (POA) reporting was not excluded. Completely understanding POA guidelines is necessary for any inpatient coder.
The 30-day all cause acute myocardial infarction (AMI) mortality outcome measure has been linked to hospital payments since the inception of the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program (HVBP) in fiscal year 2013. In February 2016, CMS announced that 70% of commercial payers have agreed to use this measure as one of the cardiology outcomes linked to payment.
We want your coding and compliance questions! The mission of Coding Q&A is to help you find answers to your urgent coding/compliance questions. To submit your questions, contact Briefings on Coding Compliance Strategies Editor Amanda Tyler at .
The shoulder girdle has the widest and most varied range of motion of any joint in the human body. That also makes it one of the most unstable. Read about the anatomy of the shoulder and which coding options exist for procedures of the shoulder.
After missing a proposed fall start date, CMS announced last week that its Medicare Part B drug payment model from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation will not be going forward.
Q: For the new 2017 epidural injection CPT® codes, the longer-term injections (63234-62327) indicate they are to be used if they are administered on more than a single calendar day. What if we start the administration at 10 p.m. and then discontinue the administration at 1 a.m.? That would be two calendar days. Can we used those codes or should we use the shorter-term injection series (62320-62323)?
Jugna Shah, MPH, and Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, look at comprehensive APC (C-APC) expansion for 2017 and how that will lead to many new codes to be included in C-APCs. They also look at CMS’ new site-neutral payment policies for 2017 included in the latest OPPS final rule.
Coders have many more options to report diagnoses of the foot in ICD-10-CM, with the ability to include laterality, location, and other details related to the injury. Review the bones of the feet and tips for additional documentation details to note when choosing codes for foot fractures.
The world didn’t end on October 1, 2015. After years of postponement, the proverbial “deal with the devil” made between CMS and the AMA to push ahead with ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation was a year’s grace period during which physician practices could continue using unspecified codes without worrying about Medicare denials or auditor reviews.
Last week, CMS released an updated version of the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON), which stated that effective March 8, 2017, hospitals will be required to present the MOON advisory in writing and verbally to Medicare beneficiaries who receive at least 24 hours of hospital services under outpatient status.
CMS announced that 70% of commercial payers have agreed to use the 30-day all cause acute myocardial infarction mortality outcome measure as one of the cardiology outcomes linked to payment. Shannon Newell, RHIA, CCS , writes about how CDI teams can best prepare for these upcoming changes.
Since the physician doesn't need to document a specific root operation, coders cannot rely solely on the terms the physician uses; thus it is important for each coder to fully understand each definition. This article takes a look at the root operations Inspection, Map, Dilation, and Bypass. Note: To access this free article, make sure you first register for the free content if you do not have a paid subscription.
After a year full of numerous coding changes, Laurie L. Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CDIP , takes a closer look at 12 new guidelines that will affect CDI and helps coders better understand these recommendations.
Now that we’ve had over a year to get comfortable with our ICD-10-PCS manuals, the 2017 updates to the guidelines and tables turned a lot of what we learned onto its ear. The update brought 3,827 changes to ICD-10-PCS, with the majority of the changes occurring in the heart and great vessels section of the manual. Redefined body part characters, as well as additions of new device characters, left inpatient coders wondering: What does this all mean and how am I supposed to code it?
CMS made no changes for quality measures related to 2019 payment determinations that require reporting next year in the 2017 OPPS final rule. However, for payment determinations in 2020 and subsequent years, CMS is finalizing proposals on seven quality measures.