Michael Malohifo’ou, RN, MBA, PhD , explains how excessive use of emergency departments can result in unfavorable outcomes . He also assesses the complicated relationships between EDs, social determinants of health ICD-10-CM coding, and mental and behavioral health CPT services.
CMS posted its 2024 Therapy Code List and Dispositions on December 28. This list indicates whether therapy services, as distinguished by HCPCS Level II and CPT codes, are recognized under CMS as “sometimes therapy” or “always therapy.”
Julia Kyles, CPC , reviews the 2024 First Quarter National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) code update, which included 929 new procedure-to-procedure edit pairs.
Q: What terms need to be included in physician documentation to code in ICD-10-CM whether the patient’s migraine is chronic, intractable, or with status migrainosus?
This Q&A with Nancy Enos, FACMPE, CPC-I, CPMA, CEMC , covers independent historians, independent interpretations, discussion with external physicians, risk, and billing for separate E/M visits. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Professional development in CDI is a multifaceted and continuous journey, demanding integration of specific knowledge, continuous learning, and adaptability.
A scan of healthcare news sources or the Office of Inspector General work plan often finds psychiatry and mental health practices under scrutiny. Laurie Bouzarelos, MHA, CPC, reviews revenue cycle functions, provider contracting/credentialing, and coding and documentation tips to avoid denials.
The 2024 ICD-10-CM update added 36 codes to the now nearly 400 codes in category M80.- (osteoporosis with current pathological fracture). The additional codes add further specificity for pelvis fractures due to age-related osteoporosis.
Amanda Vincent, MBA, CCS, CPC, CCDS, CRC, explains the differing definitions of “complication” for providers vs. coders, reviews types of complications, and codes an intraoperative laceration case study.
April Russell, MBA, CPC, CPC-P, COC, CRC, CCDS-O, and Will Morriss, CCS, CCDS-O, describe how artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted providers, coders, and the healthcare industry.
Michael Malohifo’ou, RN, MBA, PhD, explains how excessive use of emergency departments can result in unfavorable outcomes . He also assesses the complicated relationships between EDs, social determinants of health ICD-10-CM coding, and mental and behavioral health CPT services.
A scan of healthcare news sources or the Office of Inspector General work plan often finds psychiatry and mental health practices under scrutiny . Laurie Bouzarelos, MHA, CPC , reviews revenue cycle functions, provider contracting/credentialing, and coding and documentation tips to avoid denials.
Q: A physician debrides a hyperkeratotic lesion on a patient’s left foot, second toe. During the same encounter, he performs a debridement of the five toenails. Which CPT codes and modifiers would be reported for this procedure?
Michael Lonski, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, was sentenced to 27 months of imprisonment and three years of supervised release for conducting $2.6 million in Medicare and Medicaid fraud, the Department of Justice announced December 19.
This Q&A is part of an interview with Nancy Enos, FACMPE, CPC-I, CPMA, CEMC , covering physician CPT E/M reporting and medical decision-making. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Providers can receive additional revenue when they check a patient for social determinants of health, but the service requires patient selection, a standardized tool, and follow up. Julia Kyles, CPC, explains how practices can report this service with a new HCPCS code for 2024.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a broad federal law that establishes the basic privacy and security protections that coders are required to follow.
Medical necessity is the foundation for justifying the need for services. It provides the reason for the diagnostic test or therapeutic services. Anna Santoro, MBA, CCS, CCS-P, RCC, CHRI , reviews the fundamentals of medical necessity and explains its importance.