Q: In ICD-9-CM, sprains and strains fall under the same codes. Will that also be the case in ICD-10-CM or are we going to report these injuries separately?
ICD-10-PCS does not include unspecified options so coders will need information for each of the seventh characters in the code. Cheryl Ericson, MS, RN, CCDS, CDIP, and Lynn Salois, RHIT, CCS, CDIP, review some of the areas where a surgical query might be needed.
Sometimes the logic of the American Medical Association (AMA) escapes me. Okay, most of the time, I have no idea what the people at the AMA are thinking. Take the organization’s continuing crusade to...
Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Alabama, doesn't want providers penalized for ICD-10 "errors, mistakes, and malfunctions relating to the transition" for two years after implementation. Unfortunately, it doesn't...
The Alabama state Senate passed a Joint Resolution urging Congress to delay the October 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation. In and of itself, the resolution means very little. States cannot override the...
Q: A patient arrives at the interventional radiology department to have an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter inserted for portal hypertension and an iliac stent for May-Thurner syndrome. The physician is unsuccessful in accessing an appropriate portal vein branch, despite a few attempts to pass a wire into small portal branches, and aborts the placement. The plan is to reschedule and return with a transplenic approach. Do we code the attempted IVC filter placement with modifier -74 (discontinued outpatient procedure after anesthesia administered) and the complete iliac stent procedure? Or do we code the extent of the IVC filter placement (that being venography) with the complete procedure? Or do we only code the completed procedure?
What is the correct ICD-9-CM code for pneumonia due to E. coli? A) 482.81 B) 482.82 C) 482.83 D) 482.84 Know the answer and want to be featured in the next issue of JustCoding News: Outpatient?...
Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, CPC-H, CPC-I, writes aboutwhat additional details coders will need to find in documentation to report pneumonia to the highest degree of specificity in ICD-10-CM and how to report it as a manifestation.
A Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) study found that the improper payment rate for radiation therapy planning claims was significantly higher than many other physician specialty services, according to the Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter .
The American Medical Association (AMA) is trying to get a seat at the ICD-10 table by resolving to request inclusion as one of the Cooperating Parties. Mind you, today’s resolution at the AMA annual...
The AMA and Republican congressmen have been working together for quite a w hile to try and kill ICD-10, but their latest attempt shows not only desperation, but a fundamental misunderstanding of how...
We’re very excited to add a new voice to the ICD-10 Trainer blog family. I’ve (cough, cough) volunteered Steve Andrews to write for the blog. The joys of being the boss. Steve joined HCPro and...
One of the best parts of attending the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists’ (ACDIS) 8 th Annual Conference is talking with others in the field to find out what documentation...
Q: When I started as a coder, I learned that the complication code, such as from ICD-9-CM series 998 or 999, takes precedence as the reason of admission when present with another contributing condition. Is this correct, and is there any written guidance from AHA Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM/PCS that discusses this?
CMS provided plenty of proposed refinements to quality measures in the 2016 IPPS proposed rule, but did not suggest any changes to the 2-midnight rule. Kimberly A.H. Baker, JD, CPC, James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, CDIP, and Shannon Newell, RHIA, CCS, highlight the most significant proposed changes.
Coding, documentation, and diagnoses aren’t always clear-cut, which can challenge even experienced codes. Review the coding and documentation requirements for encephalopathy, stroke, and anemia.
Shannon Newell, RHIA, CCS, Steve Weichhand, and Sean Johnson conclude their four-part series on PSI 90 with an in-depth look at PSI 12, which evaluates a hospital’s risk adjusted rate of perioperative deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism in surgical discharges for patients 18 years and older.
CMS declared its second week of ICD-10 end-to-end testing , held from April 27 through May 1, a success. Approximately 875 participants submitted 23,138 test claims during the week and CMS accepted...