We won’t need to learn any new ICD-10-PCS codes or guidelines for 2015. CMS released the draft codes and guidelines and they include not much of anything. That’s not really a surprise since the code...
Some conditions, such as gangrene due to diabetes, require two codes to correctly report in ICD-9-CM. In ICD-10-CM, coders will only need one code. Jennifer Avery, CCS, CPC-H, CPC, CPC-I, and William E. Haik, MD, FCCP, CDIP, explain how these combination codes act as their own CC or MCC in ICD-10-CM.
Reporting codes for use, abuse, and dependence isn’t completely new for ICD-10-CM. Coders can report them in ICD-9-CM. Shelley C. Safian, PhD, MAOM/HSM, CCS-P, CPC-H, CPC-I , AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer, reviews the meaning of use, abuse, and dependence and how to code these conditions.
Coders can only use the documentation they have to code in ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM. Adelaide La Rosa, RN, BSN, CCDS, and Deborah Lantz, RHIA, discuss the importance of good documentation when coding for fractures and congestive heart failure in both systems.
Q: We had a question regarding documentation in a record of SIRS due to acute peritonitis without sepsis. Our critical care physician on that case called it severe sepsis as well. What would you do in a situation like that?
Recently I have seen many articles casting a negative outlook on ICD-10. They scare everyone into believing that added specificity to the codes will create more work for everyone, especially the...
I’m going to pick on our friends from the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists for one more day because I’ve heard some really good stories about the doings in Las Vegas last...
Our friends from the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists came back from the desert with some minor maladies. Apparently everything that happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in...
Q: My office often has denials of evaluation and management (E/M) visits with our OB patients when using HCPCS modifier -GB (claim being resubmitted for payment because it is no longer covered under a global payment demonstration). Would coding with V22.2 (pregnant state, incidental) as a secondary diagnosis possibly alleviate this issue?
Coders are very familiar with the diagnosis codes they use frequently, but the look of those codes will change in ICD-10-CM. Betty Hovey, CPC, CPC-H, CPB, CPMA, CPC-I, CPCD , reviews common dermatology conditions and how they will be reported with the new code set.
Some facilities plan to use both CPT ® and ICD-10-PCS to code procedures after implementation. Kristi Stanton, RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCC, and Angie Comfort, RHIT, CDIP, CCS, discuss the advantages and challenges of this strategy, and how to implement it.
CMS' Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program found "many" improper payments in a review of Part B psychiatry and psychotherapy services claims, according to the most recent Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter .
We’re still waiting for CMS to release the interim final rule on the new ICD-10 implementation date, but we did get some news on the ICD-10 front this week. The Office of Budget and Management...
Today I will focus on the chronological transition to ICD-10 readiness. My intent is to dispel myths and compare real-world experience in the ICD-10 planning space with the commonly disseminated...
Q: I’m in a little debate: Does documentation of the patient’s body mass index (BMI) need to come from an ancillary clinician, like the dietitian or nurse? I thought that we could use such ancillary documentation for clinical indicators supporting our physician query, but the treating physician needed to document the BMI. Can you help clarify this for me?
Pneumonia is an inflammatory process that affects the lung tissue. Robert S. Gold, MD , and Shelley C. Safian, PhD, MAOM/HSM, CCS-P, CPC-H, CHA, explain the clinical and documentation pieces of pneumonia coding.
Our good friends at the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS) have descended on Sin City for the seventh annual ACDIS conference. And while what happens in Vegas might...
One day after an apparent stealth announcement of the new ICD-10 compliance date, CMS confirmed October 1, 2015, as the new implementation date. According to a CMS statement: On April 1, 2014, the...