Stand-alone and integrated physician practices have unique challenges and requirements regarding revenue cycle management. Discover how revenue integrity programs in professional fee settings are designed and function.
CMS’ proposed rule to revise the Medicare hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System for calendar year 2025 has been released. Review some of the proposals that could directly impact your organization.
With CMS’ release of its proposed 2025 Medicare physician fee schedule, the agency proposed many policy changes and revisions. Explore several of them and other announcements made by CMS.
Gain unique and fresh insights from clinical documentation integrity professionals in unique settings to help you strengthen your organization’s denials management efforts.
Q: What are some of the common documentation pitfalls or missteps related to pediatric malnutrition? And what can CDI specialists do to address them proactively?
Shelley C. Safian, PhD, MAOM/HSM/HI, RHIA , explains ways administration can establish an organizational culture of legal and ethical responsibilities to maintain compliance and honor patients and staff.
Organizations need to decide how to manage the clinical validation conundrum effectively and consistently. Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS, explores one denial prevention tactic that has proved most effective for his organization.
It can be especially challenging to thoroughly document rendered services in the emergency department due to the unique needs of the setting. Hamilton Lempert, MD, CEDC, reviews several areas of critical care coding that may trip up clinicians and coders.
Teresa Brown, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCS, explores the significance of the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index in enhancing our understanding of patient health profiles and supporting informed decision-making across various facets of healthcare delivery.
Protect your office/outpatient E/M claims from front-end denials and post-payment recoupments with the freshest information from Medicare administrative contractors (MAC).
Our experts answer questions about coding for controlled puerperium diabetes and endoscopic procedures as well as provide suggestions for referring to prior encounter information in queries.
CMS’ fiscal year 2025 IPPS proposed rule and fact sheet proposes to upgrade certain codes describing social determinants of health (SDOH) to better capture the effect of housing instability on beneficiaries.
HIPAA has protocols for when patients’ protected health information can be used for research and marketing. This means you must understand privacy rule limitations and your organization’s policies and procedures before releasing any PHI in these situations. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Sepsis is one of the most prevalent diagnoses necessitating hospital admissions in the United States, and unfortunately, sepsis denials are also prevalent and on the rise. John Williams, RN, BSN, CCDS, clarifies how to ensure all indicators and findings of sepsis are present and valid for each inpatient admission.
The new ICD-10-PCS code set for fiscal year 2025, which includes 371 new codes, will be effective October 1, 2024. With highlights from Terry Tropin, MSHAI, RHIA, CCS-P , inpatient coders can make sense of each new term before they go into effect.
Q: A physician documented metabolic encephalopathy on a postoperative patient who was sedated on a vent, but because there were not documented responses while on the vent, I was unable to clinically validate the encephalopathy while the patient was sedated on the vent. How would a coder query this diagnosis for validity?
Q: Is it appropriate to code metabolic encephalopathy related to alcohol withdrawal or alcohol withdrawal delirium? And if so, how do you successfully defend against denials?
CMS finalized many behavioral health requirements related to social determinants of health risk assessments, care management services, and more with the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule. With all these changes where do providers start?