Jugna Shah, MPH, and Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, examine the 2014 OPPS Final Rule and explain which services are now packaged, including drugs and biological that function as supplies when used in diagnostic or surgical procedures, clinical diagnostic lab tests, and device removal procedures.
CMS will present the eHealth Summit: Road to ICD-10 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, February 14, in Baltimore and is inviting interested parties who cannot attend in person to register for a live webcast of the sessions .
In addition to increased packaging and collapsing of E/M clinic visit level CPT ® codes in the 2014 OPPS -Final Rule, CMS made additional changes that will have an immediate impact on reimbursement or require operational changes for providers.
One of the most radical changes CMS proposed in this year’s OPPS was to collapse the five levels of E/M CPT ® codes and replace them with three new HCPCS G-codes, including one APC for all clinic visits, one for all Type A ED visits, and one for all Type B ED visits.
A recent survey of healthcare payers and providers by accounting firm KPMG shows that many organizations are lagging when it comes to ICD-10 testing. Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they had yet to begin end-to-end ICD-10 testing or were not planning on conducting it.
Recovery Auditors have identified substantial overpayments for inpatient psychiatric services directly following an acute care stay within the same facility, according to CMS’ MLN Matters® SE1401 .
CMS did not finalize a proposal to collapse all evaluation and management visits into three codes, but did change clinic visit level coding. Jugna Shah, MPH, and Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, review some of the major changes to E/M levels for 2014 and the new codes introduced. introduced.
Coders have until September 30, 2015, to pass AAPC’s ICD-10 proficiency test in order to retain their credentials. AAPC recently added another way to prove proficiency that includes an online training portion, in addition to the previously available timed assessment.
Documentation for vertebral augmentation procedures (VAPs) must adhere to Local Coverage Determination (LCD) policies in order to be paid by Medicare. CMS recently provided guidance for these claims in the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter .
CMS released version 31 of the MS-DRG grouper for ICD-10 in November. Providers can use the grouper to identify MS-DRG shifts and payment changes under ICD-10. The Final ICD-10 MS-DRG v32 logic, which will be implemented on October 1, 2014, will be subject to rulema
Worried that your vendors won't be ready for ICD-10? CMS has a tip sheet for talking with your vendors on its website. In addition, CMS recently added five new resources: Introduction to ICD-10...
In its 2014 OPPS Final Rule , CMS finalized its proposal to replace existing evaluation and management CPT ® clinic visit codes with a single HCPCS G-code.
CMS created a 2-midnight presumption and benchmark as part of the 2014 IPPS Final Rule as a way to clarify its guidelines for inpatient admission. However, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and American Medical Association (AMA) believe the clarification creates more confusion.
The audit landscape continues to change as Recovery Auditors expand prepayment reviews and CMS implements its new 2-midnight rule. Debbie Mackaman, RHIA, CPCO, Ralph Wuebker, MD, MBA, and Kimberly Hoy Baker, JD, review some of the recent changes to audit focus areas.
CMS recently released five online resources to aid providers in their ICD-10 implementation efforts. Although CMS designed some of these resources with providers in mind, much of the information is applicable to hospitals, payers, and vendors as well.
Some hospitals are incorrectly reporting lymphoma and leukemia MS-DRGs for patients who are admitted and treated for anemia and dehydration, according to the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter .
The 2014 IPPS Final Rule was supposed to be implemented with enforcement beginning October 1, but one of its most controversial aspects has seen another delay in enforcement, with major healthcare trade groups seeking more.
Physicians believe they are providing quality care, which gives them high job satisfaction. However, the problems associated with using electronic health records decreased that satisfaction, according to a recent RAND survey.