CMS is making a significant change to the Medically Unlikely Edits by changing the edits from line item edits to date of service edits. The change will become effective April 1.
One of AHIMA’s long-time goals is to empower HIM professionals to be heavily involved in the ICD-10 overhaul and perhaps even leading the transition in their facility.
One of the major changes to the 2013 CPT ® Manual is the replacement of the term "physician" with "physician or other qualified healthcare professional" in a wide range of codes. Marie Mindeman and Andrea Clark, RHIA, CCS, CPC-H, discuss how this change affects code assignment.
CMS rescinded Transmittal 2607 and replaced it with Transmittal 2636 to update the add-on code edit file to include a change in the list of primary codes for CPT add-on code 90785 (interactive complexity).
As part of the 2013 OPPS Final Rule, CMS made major changes to how it will reimburse facilities for separately payable drugs and how it will calculate APC relative weights. Jugna Shah, MPH, and Valerie Rinkle, MPA, review the most significant changes in the final rule.
The FY 2013 Office of Inspector General (OIG) Work Plan includes plenty of new additions that might interest inpatient hospitals. Sara Kay Wheeler, Kimberly Anderwood Hoy, JD, CPC, Monica Lenahan, CCS, and William E. Haik, MD, FCCP, CDIP, review those new additions and offer tips for dealing with OIG scrutiny.
If you’re curious about whether something you’ve heard or read about the Recovery Auditor program is true, be sure to check out new information published on the CMS Web site. The agency released a document that addresses 14 common myths about the program.
On January 9, the American Medical Association sent out a notification of errata in the 2014 CPT ® Manual . The AMA followed with a January 16 correction saying the errata file is for the 2013 CPT Manual .
National Government Services, under contract with CMS, will host a series of listening sessions about lessons learned from the Version 5010 upgrade to prepare providers, vendors, and payers for the transition to ICD-10-CM/PCS.
Coding for stent placement procedures will look very different in 2013. The American Medical Association deleted the two CPT ® codes used to report nondrug-eluting intracoronary stent placement procedures.
Hospitals earned a big win with drug payments this year in the 2013 OPPS final rule, released November 1. CMS decided to finalize its proposal to follow the statute and reimburse facilities at the average sales price (ASP) plus 6%.
As part of the 2013 OPPS final rule, CMS finalized a clarification to 42 CFR 419.2(b) that could cause confusion in the future if hospitals are audited by third-party payers or by Medicare contractors who do not fully understand the intent of the language or how CMS develops payment rates, says Jugna Shah, MPH, president of Nimitt Consulting based in Washington, D.C.
CMS recently posted an updated version of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) manual to the CMS NCCI website . The manual includes changes identified in red text and will be effective with dates of service January 1, 2013.
As part of the 2013 OPPS final rule, CMS finalized a clarification to 42 CFR 419.2(b) concerning packaged services. Jugna Shah, MPH, and Valerie Rinkle, MPA, explain how this clarification could cause confusion in the future if hospitals are audited by third-party payers or by Medicare contractors who do not fully understand the intent of the language or how CMS develops payment rates.
In a recent CMS email to providers, the agency reminded hospitals that any department, form, template, or other information that uses ICD-9-CM codes today will need to accommodate ICD-10-CM/PCS codes as of October 1, 2014.
Providers will continue to use the same definition of inpatient status that they already know. That’s because despite CMS’ consideration of various provider comments, the agency has not establish new criteria.
The Hospital Outpatient Payment Panel recommended CMS change the supervision requirements for 15 HCPCS and CPT codes during its second meeting this year in August. CMS released details of the meeting September 24.
Organizations looking for real-world examples of ICD-10 education can check out the plan created by Ginger Boyle, MD, of Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System in South Carolina.
Hospitals are overturning Recovery Auditor denials nearly 75% of the time, according to recent RACTrac data. That’s why the American Hospital Association adamantly supports a new proposed bill—the Medicare Audit Improvement Act of 2012 —aimed at holding Recovery Auditors accountable for inappropriate denials.