Q: Is there is any guidance on ICD-10-CM reporting for screening for COVID-19? For example, a patient was admitted with pneumonia and the physician documented “COVID-19 screening completed–NEGATIVE.” Would it be appropriate to assign ICD-10-CM code Z11.59 (encounter for screening for other viral diseases) for this?
Q: We are seeing an influx of possible COVID-19 patients at our facility. How can we prepare to query for COVID-19-related documentation and coding issues that are bound to come our way due to the newness of the diagnosis?
Q: We are seeing more fundoplication surgeries and esophageal sphincter augmentation procedures for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease at our hospital. Do you have any tips for our coders when reporting these procedures in ICD-10-PCS?
Q: We are finding that physician documentation is lacking for vaping-related lung injuries at our hospital, making it hard to report the condition accurately. What can our coding team do to remedy this situation, and how do we accurately report vaping-related lung injuries in ICD-10-CM?
Q: A physician performed a pleural catheter flush using saline with manual clearance of clots under ultrasound guidance. Should we bill an E/M code for an outpatient office visit or report this using other CPT codes?
Q: Our coding department was told there were changes made for fiscal year (FY) 2020 when it comes to reporting healed/healing pressure ulcers and pressure-induced deep tissue damage. Can you explain any recent updates?
Q: I’ve heard conflicting information about reporting uncertain diagnoses. Do the ICD-10-CM diagnoses need to be documented in the discharge summary/final progress note or can they be coded from an earlier progress note?