Q: A diabetic patient is diagnosed with a gangrenous decubitus ulcer of the left heel and admitted to the hospital for treatment. If the provider documents an association between diabetes and the decubitus ulcer, which condition should be sequenced as the principal diagnosis?
Q: Suppose a patient comes in for psychological testing evaluation. The provider interprets the test results and patient data, prepares a report, and begins treatment planning. If the interactive feedback session is held several days later, how would this be reported using CPT codes?
Q: A clinician documented "combination Type 1 and Type 2, diabetes mellitus in poor control." This condition is sometimes called Type 1.5 diabetes. What is the correct ICD-10-CM code assignment for Type 1.5 diabetes?
Q: We have a patient who received a pancreas transplant for the treatment of diabetes. The patient was later admitted to the hospital for treatment of an unrelated kidney stone. Would it be appropriate to assign the ICD-10-CM code for diabetes as a chronic condition based on the patient’s medical history?
Q: A physician orders a comprehensive metabolic panel and a quantitative blood sample to measure blood glucose level. How would a coder report these services using CPT codes, and what modifier would he or she use to indicate that the blood sample was performed separately from the panel?
Q: A patient presents to the ED seeking treatment for impacted cerumen affecting both ear canals. How would you report a bilateral cerumen removal using CPT codes?
Q: Our department has been having trouble reporting comas in ICD-10-CM. Are there any tools we can use to help us report these diagnoses more accurately?
Q: I was recently informed that providers use cellular-based tissue products to treat ulcers when a patient fails to respond to more conservative treatment options. What constitutes a failed response to treatment and how would this be documented?
Q: If our physician only documents “uncontrolled diabetes” in an admitted patient’s chart, but I can see from the lab results in the record that the patient’s blood glucose levels are high, can I assign the ICD-10-CM code for diabetes with hyperglycemia?
Q: The American Medical Association added three new CPT codes for skin biopsies, effective January 1. What are the new biopsy codes and CPT guidelines for reporting them?
Q: Which ICD-10-PCS code should be reported for an incision and drainage of a perianal abscess of the left buttocks? We are confused about which body part value should be captured since the physician documented both “perianal” and “left buttocks.”