Q: I know that the tumor, nodes, and metastasis (TNM) staging system can be used for ICD-10-CM coding purposes, but I’ve never used it before. As an inpatient coding professional, should I know how this system works and how to apply it?
Q: We had a patient with hemorrhagic cystitis. Our preprocedural plan was a cystoscopy with a bladder biopsy and cauterization. How should this be reported in ICD-10-PCS? We are having trouble choosing between Control or another root operation, and we are getting different MS-DRGs depending how the procedure is reported.
Q: A physician performs a hemiarthroplasty for a hip fracture. Would this procedure be reported with CPT code 27125 (hemiarthroplasty, hip, partial [e.g., femoral stem prosthesis, bipolar arthroplasty])?
Q: What is the difference between ICD-10-CM code I24.8 (other forms of acute ischemic heart disease) and code I21.A1 (myocardial infarction type 2)? In which situation would each of these codes be reported?
Q: Can you bill CPT codes 76981 (ultrasound, elastography; parenchyma [e.g., organ]) and 76982 (ultrasound, elastography; first target lesion) at the same time as CPT codes for liver and breast ultrasounds?
Q: I would like to add encephalopathy due to urinary tract infection to our quick coding tips, but our CDI specialists disagree on how this condition should be coded and want us to query for metabolic encephalopathy. How should this condition ultimately be reported?
Q: A physician documented that a pregnant patient is obese, and the patient’s chart has a listed body mass index (BMI) score. Can we assign an ICD-10-CM BMI code in this instance or should this never be done for an obstetrics patient?
Q: Considering the fiscal year 2019 update to the ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting for Transfer procedures, how should we now report a pedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap procedure in ICD-10-PCS?