Q: If you have an acute exacerbation of chronic right heart failure (CHF) with a preserved ejection fraction (EF) above 55%, can you code it as heart failure (HF) with preserved EF? All the clinical symptoms exemplify right-sided heart failure (e.g., ascites, pronounced neck vein distension, swelling of ankles and feet).
Q: Our vascular physician prescribes exercise to some of his patients who have peripheral artery disease and wants to provide the exercise program in the office because he wants to have these patients monitored closely for their response. Is there a way to get reimbursed for this?
Q: When it comes to conditions not related to hypertension, is it sufficient to attribute the diagnosis to another etiology or does the provider need to specifically document that the congestive heart failure (CHF) is not due to hypertension?
Q: Can you explain where in the clinical documentation it would be acceptable to report from for hierarchical condition category purposes? Would you code from history of present illness, past medical history, active problem list, or the assessment?
Q: If a patient is admitted for anemia related to a malignancy and is treated only for anemia, the principal diagnosis goes to the malignancy. Could you still code for the malignancy as the principal diagnosis if the patient was treated for other conditions at the same time?
Q: What are some times when it might be acceptable for a provider to copy and paste medical information into an electronic health record and when is it absolutely not acceptable?
Q: Our team had a recent case that involved a small midline episiotomy which extended to a second-degree laceration which was repaired with 3-0 vicryl rapide sutures. Would we code the episiotomy and repair or just the repair, and why?
Q: What are the applicable modifiers that can be used when a test fails for medical necessity or if an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) has been signed?
Q: Is CPT code 96416 (chemotherapy administration requiring use of portable pump) the same as HCPCS code G0498 (initiation of infusion of chemotherapy in office using portable pump)? Our facility is trying to determine if it would be appropriate to set up G0498 as a Medicare override for 96416.