Q: At my institution, all of our congestive heart failure exacerbations get at least one chest x-ray. Is that enough “diagnostic testing” to code the secondary condition in accordance to Coding Clinic ?
Q: For a ureteroscopy intended as a procedure with a biopsy and double-J stent, if the procedure ends when only the scope was placed before a biopsy was taken, could you just code ureteroscopy instead of coding it with the biopsy and the modifier-74 (discontinued outpatient hospital/ambulatory surgery center procedure after administration of anesthesia)?
Q: I can't distinguish between "code first" and "in diseases classified elsewhere.” Both are used with manifestations and both can't be sequenced as principal diagnosis and both need etiology codes, so what is the difference?
Q: We use an electronic system at our hospital, and find it is difficult to query a physician since we all have our own processes. Would you recommend having a set format for a query that is used electronically?
Q: What is the best way to document time spent by physicians performing procedures? The CPT® codes state a vague time amount but the doctors struggle with this.
Q: What are the documentation requirements for a continuous infusion for an observation patient, especially spanning the midnight hour? We often see rate change or rate verification notations during continuously running infusions, but would a start and stop time be required or expected for each bag change?
Q: We are currently coding a chart for an acute kidney injury which has the baseline serum creatinine and urine output missing from the chart. Is there something we can do before we have to query the physician?
Q: When reporting multiple separate infusions of the same substance or drug provided through the same IV site during one visit, should we add up the total time and then report the appropriate codes?
Q: The CPT Assistant advice on how to apply modifier -59 to CPT code 29874 (knee arthroscopy with removal of loose/foreign body) seems to conflict with NCCI edits. Do the NCCI edits override the advice in CPT Assistant ?
Q: Can you please help me determine the query opportunities and code assignment/sequencing argument related to a patient who was admitted with pneumonia, congestive heart failure, acute respiratory failure, and encephalopathy?
Our experts answer questions about hitting MUEs on injections and infusions, setting multiple prices for the same CPT codes, payment rates for cancer centers, and more.
Q: We have trouble billing multiple units of injections and infusions – mostly CPT add-on codes 96375 and 96376–that are done during observation stays and exceed the medically unlikely edits number. What is the correct way to bill these and get paid?
Q: One of my coworkers thought we needed the phrase “unable to clinically determine” as an option on every multiple-choice query we send. My take on it is that if we have “other” with an option for free text, that would cover us for compliance. Further, I thought it was inappropriate to include this option in some cases, as it may offer an option that is preventing me from obtaining the detail and specificity I need.