Q: If the physician documents “concerning for,” “considering,” “cannot be ruled out,” or “cannot be excluded” for a diagnosis, is that considered an uncertain diagnosis? Can those terms be coded if the patient is being worked up? Are the terms “concerning for” and “considering” equal to the uncertain diagnosis terms “yet to be ruled out”?
Q: We had a patient come into our ED with a severe head injury. To protect his airway, we intubated the patient. Can we report an emergency endotracheal intubation (CPT ® code 31500) and CPR (92950) together if only bagging happens and no chest compressions?
Q: I have been asked to build a query for a diagnosis of SIRS and/or sepsis for the following scenario: The patient was admitted for an infection urinary tract infection (UTI), pyelonephritis (PNA) and meets two SIRS criteria. The patient may be treated with oral or intravenous antibiotics, and may be on a general medical floor (not intensive care). The physician did not document SIRS or sepsis. I am having a hard time with this query because I am not sure if this would be considered adding new information to the chart or leading the physician by introducing a new diagnosis. Do you have any suggestions?
Q: I am a coder in a hospital outpatient setting. Our physicians document drug use in social history. For example, marijuana use is documented as just "marijuana use" without any further information regarding a pattern of use or abuse. Based on that information, can I report ICD-9-CM code 305.20 (cannabis abuse, unspecified)? How would this be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: Can “in the setting of”' be interpreted as “due to” in ICD-10-CM? For example, the physician documented that the patient has a urinary tract infection in the setting of a urinary catheter.
Q: When the surgeon documents excision of a complex pilonidal cyst with rhomboid flap closure, is the flap closure coded separately or is it included in CPT ® code 11772 (excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus; complicated)?
Q: Should modifiers for laterality be used for CPT ® code 31624 (bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; with bronchial alveolar lavage)?
Q: In ICD-9-CM, sprains and strains fall under the same codes. Will that also be the case in ICD-10-CM or are we going to report these injuries separately?
Q: A patient arrives at the interventional radiology department to have an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter inserted for portal hypertension and an iliac stent for May-Thurner syndrome. The physician is unsuccessful in accessing an appropriate portal vein branch, despite a few attempts to pass a wire into small portal branches, and aborts the placement. The plan is to reschedule and return with a transplenic approach. Do we code the attempted IVC filter placement with modifier -74 (discontinued outpatient procedure after anesthesia administered) and the complete iliac stent procedure? Or do we code the extent of the IVC filter placement (that being venography) with the complete procedure? Or do we only code the completed procedure?
Q: When I started as a coder, I learned that the complication code, such as from ICD-9-CM series 998 or 999, takes precedence as the reason of admission when present with another contributing condition. Is this correct, and is there any written guidance from AHA Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM/PCS that discusses this?
Q: We have a patient with chronic severe low back pain, etiology unknown, on MS Contin®, an opioid. Due to the patient’s history of drug-seeking behavior and cannabis abuse, the physician orders a drug screen prior to refilling the prescription. With the changes to drug testing codes in 2015, what would be the appropriate laboratory CPT ® codes to report?
Q: Should “diabetes with gastroparesis” be coded as 536.3, diabetes with a complication code? I understood that the term ‘"with’" can link two diagnoses, but that it does not represent a cause-and-effect relationship. Can you please clarify this, and why a cause-and-effect relationship can be assumed in the term “diabetes with gastroparesis”?
Q: We are trying to verify whether we should bill for two units of the CPT® code when the provider performs a service with and without magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), such as an MRA of the abdomen, with or without contrast material (code 74185). The description of the MRA CPT codes say "with or without," not with and without for billing all non-Medicare payers. We realize for Medicare we are to use HCPCS codes C8900-C8902.
Q: A patient came to the ED with shortness of breath (SOB). The admitting diagnosis was possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS) due to SOB and elevated troponin levels. The ACS was ruled out. Elevated troponin levels were assumed to be due to chronic renal failure (CRF), and no reason was given for SOB. Before discharge, the patient was noted with an elevated temperature and found to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). All treatment was directed at the UTI, and the doctor noted the discharge diagnosis as the UTI. What would be the principal diagnosis in this case?