Q: Should we query for the specific pulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis (CF)? Coding Clinic states that the exacerbation of CF should be listed first.
Q: What CPT ® code best describes the Bier block procedure? We are toiling over this and the most recent CPT Assistant says to use 64999 (unlisted procedure, nervous system). But the article referenced is from 2004. We just want to make sure there is nothing more recent.
Our coding experts answer your questions about how to determine the correct units for drugs, billing for fluoroscopy, therapy caps under OPPS, and payment for critical care and separately reported services
Q: It appears that one requirement for using CPT ® codes 15002–15005 with application of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is that the wound must be healing by primary intention. Can you explain this? We have never used these codes with preparation for vacuum assisted closure (VAC) placement, but it doesn't make sense, as NPWT is almost always used for wounds healing by secondary intention. Our physicians appreciate any clarification.
QUESTION: I work for a gastrointestinal (GI) practice and I have a question regarding the correct sequence for adding diagnosis codes to a claim. I have advised our physicians and billers that the primary diagnosis code is always the reason for the visit. I am a little confused about the remaining diagnosis codes the physician will write down in no specific order. Billers will report codes in the order the physicians write down the diagnoses and not always the reason for the visit. For example, a patient is referred for a consult due to weight loss. The patient comes for the consult and the physicians may put down 787.29 (other dysphagia), 401.1 (benign hypertension), 783.21 (abnormal loss of weight), 787.99 (change in bowel habits) in this order and leave it up to the person entering the info to figure it out. I would report 783.21 first since that was the reason for the visit but then I’ve been putting the GI codes next and then anything else last. What is the correct sequence when adding diagnosis codes to a claim?
Q: I have a question about coding transplant complications. My understanding is if the complication affects the transplanted organ, then coders should assign a code for the transplant complication itself. Is this correct? Consider the following physician documentation: Final A/P: Acute renal failure in patient with history of renal transplant. Should coders report 996.81 (complications of transplanted kidney) and 584.9 (acute kidney failure, unspecified)? Also consider this documentation: CHF in heart transplant patient . Should coders report 996.83 (complications of transplanted heart) and 428.0 (CHF, unspecified)?
Our coding experts answer your questions about coding for hysteroscopy prior to ablation, appending modifier -59 for MRI and MRA, charging for venipunctures, therapy caps under OPPS, reporting limits for Provenge®, modifier -59 and infusion therapy, Reporting TEE pre- and post-operativley, coding for toxic metabolic encephalopathy
Q: I need further clarification regarding documentation of toxic metabolic encephalopathy. I’m trying to code two different cases in which a physician documents acute mental status change secondary to an infectious process . In each case, the patient’s metabolic panels don’t appear to be abnormal; however, one of the patients is septic. The physician thinks that documenting and coding sepsis separately from encephalopathy would result in unbundling. However, I disagree because coding the sepsis separately demonstrates severity. What is the correct logic to use in each of these cases?
QUESTION: I work in an urgent care setting and need to know if we can bill an administration code for injection of Toradol. For example, a patient comes in, and the provider performs an E/M and administers 60mg Toradol intramuscular. I have not been charging for it, thinking it’s bundled into the E/M.
Our coding experts answer questions about reporting dialysis for ESRD patient in ED, coding for sequential infusions, procedures on the inpatient-only list, replacement code for C9732, and new drug HCPCS codes.
Q: A patient has been diagnosed with peritonsillar cellulitis and oropharyngeal cellulitis. The physician documents that he performed a “needle aspiration of the left peritonsillar abscess.” In the body of the operative report, the physician states, “An 18-gauge needle was inserted and 1 cc of pus was aspirated. This was sent for aerobic, anaerobic, C&S [culture & sensitivity], and gram stain. I then put the 18-gauge needle in again and multiple passes were obtained without any aspirate.” Because ICD-9-CM does not include a code for “aspiration of peritonsillar abscess” some coders wanted to use ICD-9-CM procedure code 28.0 (incision and drainage of tonsil and peritonsillar structures) while others want to report code 28.99 (other operations on tonsils and adenoids). Which code is correct?
QUESTION: A patient complained of intractable pain from compression fracture (sustained the day prior to admission). The guidelines state if pain is not documented as acute or chronic, don't assign codes from the 338 category. Should we query the physician if the pain was acute or chronic rather than just using the fracture code if it appears that pain control was the main reason for the visit?
QUESTION: I'd like to address our coders' questions on how to code poisoning due to bath salts. Internet research has led me to many different options: codes 977.8 (other specified drug/medicinal), 970.89 (other CNS stimulant), 969.70 (psychostimulant, unspecified), among others. What would you suggest? There don't seem to be any guidelines out there and the coding for this seems to be all over the place.
In this month's issue, our coding experts answer questions about how to differentiate between modifiers -52, -73, -74, coding for negative pressure wound therapy, and billing the technical component of pathology services.